Tire Combo anyone?

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Jun 26, 2007
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For your tires that is . My combo would be Bt020 front Bt021 rear.Reason the 021 front flatspots and wears out in a hurry while the 020 front does cup but doesn't get any flat spots and anyway the cupping can be controlled with 40 psi inflation pressure. Far as the rear goes I like the dual compound 021 seems to be doing better on wear the the older 020.

Any other combo's you have tried and liked??

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Avon Azaro rear and Pirelli Diablo Strada up front.

Current combo is Strada front and BT-021 rear. Seems pretty good so far (~1000 miles).

Shinko Raven in the back and a Z6 Metzler in the front because thats all I could find on short notice. Seems to work pretty good. :)

I sorta want to try a Pilot Road 2CT on the back, and Avon Storm on the front, but.... sure seem to read a lot of mixed reviews on the Pilot Road 2CT thread.

Or maybe I read that on the thread regarding the new BT-021......

Whew... good thing it's all NEPRT anyway..... :lol:

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I sorta want to try a Pilot Road 2CT on the back, and Avon Storm on the front, but.... sure seem to read a lot of mixed reviews on the Pilot Road 2CT thread.
Or maybe I read that on the thread regarding the new BT-021......

Whew... good thing it's all NEPRT anyway..... :lol:
Hey Warchild, if your in the neighborhood look me up and take the PR2s for a test ride. They feel so smooth :D

Tire "combos in descending order of preference...

Diablo Strada front, Diablo Strada rear.

Diablo Strada front, Metzeler ME880 rear.

Diablo Strada front, Dunlop D220 rear.

All others I've run as pairs.

Notice a pattern??? :)

Pilot power front Diablo Strada rear - good so far

Avon Storm front Diablo Strada rear - nice stick - but avon wobble

Am I the only one that likes sets? 021 front and rear. I like em.

+1 here on this particular combo. Had 'em on my SV before I got my FJR. When the 020's were looking ragged I went these. Have now become my new favorite tire!

Pilot Road front, Me880 rear.
Is that the +1/Gunny woof or the :****: woof ? :dntknw:

Either way. I'm interested in how many miles you get out of that combo. compared to other tires you have used. I'm planning a 12k trip next summer and would like to do it without changing tires along the way if possible.

Strada on the front, ME880 on the rear. Very good ride and handling. 14,500 on the front and it was shot, replaced with Storm (I hate that SOB), 12,000 on the rear, still has 1 or 2 K left. Most of 12K miles were from a HARD, HOT ride to WFO, 8K, and HARD ride to EOM, 2.3K, Largely slab.

I need to burn up a set of Storms next spring then back to Strada/ME880 combo if nothing better comes along. I hate that friggin' Storm on the front. What? I've said that before? Sorry.

Either way. I'm interested in how many miles you get out of that combo. compared to other tires you have used. I'm planning a 12k trip next summer and would like to do it without changing tires along the way if possible.
Geezer, you really must get out more!


My testing showed the ME880 rear to nearly match the tread life of the Diablo Strada front. That's compared to the typical two rear tires per one front. For me, that translates to about 6,000 miles on the pair. But for everyone else that probably means 9-12,000 on the set, as long as you don't live around here.

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Pilot Road front, Me880 rear.
Is that the +1/Gunny woof or the :****: woof ? :dntknw:

Either way. I'm interested in how many miles you get out of that combo. compared to other tires you have used. I'm planning a 12k trip next summer and would like to do it without changing tires along the way if possible.
Geezer - I'll try to figure out the mileage.. it's pretty convoluted at this point since the deer strike.. At WFO Utah I had new Roadies installed. The rear was replaced when I got home (Creston CA) then replaced with the me880. Just 1 day before the deer strike, I was thinking 'geesh, I've got alot of miles on this tire combo'... and was tyring to put numbers on them.. Then Bambi just kind of ruined that thought process.

I will say this - if my bud Jeff Ashe sez the Strada front and me880 rear is a good combo - then I'll be trying it. I loved my Strada's, except for the rear lacking a wear bar indicator...

...and, for the record, the me880 is NOT a go fast tire.. don't even try to fool yourself... it is a long distance, high mileage, even wearing, concrete beast of rubber that will NOT handle corners with the same aplomb as softer rubber does. I first 'backed her in' a corner on the me880's... and while it wasn't planned, it sure was alot of fun.. once.. :unsure:

Thanks guys. I know Haulin' had done those tire tests but I didn't think to go back and look at them again. Besides, I don't ride anywhere near the same as he does. :eek:

The Storms that are on the bike now will probably last me the rest of this season, then I have a new pair of 021's that will go on for spring. Once I put those on I'll order up a Strada/ME880.
