Tire failure

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2006
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Just over 1000 miles on my '06 and a nail went thru the tread on the rear tire. Couldn't find anyone to help. Flagged down a Wing rider and used his cell phone. Had the wife bring the trailer. Usually I don't fix M/C tires, :angry2: but this is almost new . Any suggestions on repair or replace?

Do you feel lucky?

Mfg's say replace it, Dealers won't plug it because of liability concerns.

I have ridden on plugged tires (sticky string type) with no problems but don't trust them 100%. Some will never ride on a plugged tire and some ride plugged tires down to the cords.

You will get some yes and some no answers. If it in the center tread then I would go ahead and plug the tire or I have had a plug put in and patched at the shop I use. I have never had a plug or patched tire go flat again. if it was marginal to tread depth i would then replace the tire.

First off, get a tire repair kit.

On your current dilemma- plug, patch, haul ass.

America's tire Co. does car tires for free, but not sure what they would say if you brought in a M/C tire that was already off the rim. Of course, any good M/C tire shop should be able to repair it as well.

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if it was any old bike - I'd vote 'plug it'.

If you pilot your FJR at speed, then I'd put my money on new rubber......

peace of mind is sometimes worth its weight in gold.

my 2 cents...

I've driven my old FJ1200 on a plugged rear tire for a whole season. Never had any issues with it, but every time my right wrist got happy on the highway the plug always came to mind. As the Bull has said, peace of mind is worth it's weight in gold.

My first replacement Metz rear was plugged at approx 1000 miles...stayed perfect until I put a new one on at 5k.

The new one took a nail at 100 miles. I put the same mushroom patch/plug in it, and no problem until IT wore out at 5k or so.

As long as you use the combo patch/plug you shoud be fine.

BTW...first hole was right in the center, second tire was in between the tread.

Already 5k on this Strada, and no holes...yet. Still looks good too.

Had just over 400 miles on my new 05 last year ran over a nail I bit the dust and bought a new tire.

I figure this way my life for a lousy tire costing appox. $200.

Or if you want your wife to be happy for the rest of her life BUY A NEW ONE

:D weekend rider :D

I figure this way my life for a lousy tire costing appox. $200.
Or if you want your wife to be happy for the rest of her life BUY A NEW ONE
Alright! Weekend Rider guarantees I will outlive my wife if I never ride on a plugged tire! She'll be so happy to hear this!
if it's only flat on the bottom -- just ride the top part. then plug it, then change it when you can.

Plug it and run it to the end of it's life. The sticky string plugs are self vulcanizing. If you don't know what that means, look it up in the dictionary. Not a slam, just a better description than I'm willing to type here.

I've run plugged tires to the end of their lives, 4k on one tire, about 2500 on another. Never leaked any air. Do NOT use the BMW/Stop-n-Go muchroom plugs and expect them to last the life of the tire. They can be excellent for road side repairs, but the end will wear off or the plug will break and the result will be rapid deflation. Not what you need. If you use one of those on the road, do a better patch job after you get home.

The inside mushroom patch is glued on from the inside with a part of the patch inserted into the hole. These are excellent and last for the life of the tire. Probably the best method if you're willing to dismount the tire from the wheel.

The State moto cops around here get a lot of flats due to riding on the shoulders so much. Their policy is to plug a tire twice, and only a second time if it's in a different quarter of rotation on the tire. No sidewall repairs. A third puncture? Toss the tire. Not a bad standard to follow. After all, they ride at speed, so they're not going to take chances.
