R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
I'm dyin' here...
For the last month, a mockingbird has taken up residence in a nearby tree. This mofo starts his nocturnal repertoire of annoying, avian din right around 2 AM and continues until dusk. Now, for those of you not familiar with the vocal range of a mocking bird, let me assure you that it is quite diverse as well as freakin' loud! (Clicky for a sample, Click on 'Song' and 'Call' on left.) We keep the duo-pane doors and windows shut, which sucks cause it robs us of fresh air and there is no air conditioning as it is rare for temps to exceed 80 degrees here. To add to my sleeplessness, lately, the blue jays have become equally annoyed at this feathered piece of **** and are now chasing it around and squawking just as loud and constant!
Mind you, I live in the land of tree huggers and PETA kooks, not to mention living 1/2 mile from a nature/bird preserve, so guns, traps and poisons are out. City animal control consists of one lady, who also is the town parking meter lady, so that's out. I'd put in an air canon, but the association would frown upon that action. And the plastic spinny owl installed to fend off the mourning doves and their pooping ways doubles as an alternate roost for this *******! I've even gone out at night with the water hose and kicked the base of 'his' tree in a vain attempt at ceasing his annoying cacophony - fruitless, to say the least.
I need sleep (drugs and booze ain't the answer, I tried :blink: ), so I hope some of you can offer some suggestions...
Oh, and Mike-H? Don't go there, k?
For the last month, a mockingbird has taken up residence in a nearby tree. This mofo starts his nocturnal repertoire of annoying, avian din right around 2 AM and continues until dusk. Now, for those of you not familiar with the vocal range of a mocking bird, let me assure you that it is quite diverse as well as freakin' loud! (Clicky for a sample, Click on 'Song' and 'Call' on left.) We keep the duo-pane doors and windows shut, which sucks cause it robs us of fresh air and there is no air conditioning as it is rare for temps to exceed 80 degrees here. To add to my sleeplessness, lately, the blue jays have become equally annoyed at this feathered piece of **** and are now chasing it around and squawking just as loud and constant!
Mind you, I live in the land of tree huggers and PETA kooks, not to mention living 1/2 mile from a nature/bird preserve, so guns, traps and poisons are out. City animal control consists of one lady, who also is the town parking meter lady, so that's out. I'd put in an air canon, but the association would frown upon that action. And the plastic spinny owl installed to fend off the mourning doves and their pooping ways doubles as an alternate roost for this *******! I've even gone out at night with the water hose and kicked the base of 'his' tree in a vain attempt at ceasing his annoying cacophony - fruitless, to say the least.
I need sleep (drugs and booze ain't the answer, I tried :blink: ), so I hope some of you can offer some suggestions...
Oh, and Mike-H? Don't go there, k?