Today,..A Good one!

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2006
Reaction score
P.E Canada
Long story/short,....Many years ago in a place i'd rather forget (I) was "****** Dairy Equipment" ,..serving dairy farmers on our small island,.. Young,Dumb and full of all that. Being a personality type that put's the needs of other's before my own and after 5 years of such,.. my tour of duty came to an end and i shut down with a signifigant amount of difficult to collect AR's. I also through (yes i'm admitting to it) bad management ended up owing a company in the US $18,000 ish,... the last payable i had after going to my witt's end,.. and they pushed it to the gravel and applied a judgment against me. I could have declared bankruptcy but wanted to work it out.

Well today,.......8 years later it has been satisfied :yahoo: and i no longer owe a cent that i would be embarassed to speak of.

$200 more a month in the wallet is feeling pretty good.



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Congratulations Don, it takes a big man to stand up and make good on his debts. I admire your efforts. Too many people today are taking the easy way out with a chapter 7 or 13 and letting the rest of society, you and me, pay their debts. Once again, congrats, it will only get better from here.

Debt free is the way to be. Good for you to man up to your responsibilities. Sounds like it took quite a bit of hard work. Now you just have to learn to live out of what you have in your pocket. Congrats.
