Tornado touches down about 1 mile from my house!

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A Homeless Nomad
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, WA
About 2.5 hours ago we had what they have now confirmed was an F-1 tornado touch down here in Vancouver, about 1 mile from our home. I was across the river in Portland but my wife called to tell me. Now that I'm home I've been watching the news; amazing photos, blown off roofs, lots of trees, fences and power lines down, billboards snapped off like matchsticks. A local trucking company had some sort of building in their parking lot that housed a public-utility pump facility, that had the roof and two walls blown out/off. One of the walls ended up underneath a big king-cab pickup that must have been picked up and put back down. Windshields and side windows also blown out on numerous vehicles in their parking lot.

I know you folks in the Midwest have these a lot more often than we do (last one here in Vancouver was 1972) but it's a pretty big event for us, and a wee-bit scary. Nothing but a short internet interruption here are our place, and the Feejer is fine, thank you very much. I'm not sure where slapnpop lives but I believe his work spot is outside the area where things got dicey.

If you want to send farkle-aid just in case we have any more storms come through just PM me :lol:

Local news station photos at:

We have had 12 confirmed today (so far in Bama) three on the ground right now. Weatherman has been live for the past hour

Luckily all have been N,S,E and W of me.

I have been through many a Tornado, including one that drove down the street of my parents house when I was 10. It blew all the windows out of the house while we hunkered in the basement

Make that 13, Power is back on.

2 miles from the house and moving away now, Don't know the size yet.

Leo, and others In Chelsea, get to the Basement, comming your way!!!!

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The state currently


My tornado


YIKES! Now I know why I pay the monthly service for XM Weather on my Garmin. Not that I'm planning on being in AL, GA or MS again any time soon, but ya never know.

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I know the feeling living in tornado alley.

What do at night in the spring in Oklahoma? . watch NEXRAD !

we had some tornadic activity here Monday night, not surprising as it got to 73 on Sunday.

Having grown up in SW Oklahoma, and now living on the gulf coast, I see the occasional windstorm. Hurricane Opal flooded the apartment I lived in at the time, and destroyed my car's engine when I tried to drive out of the rising water filling our parking lot and injested enough water to lock the motor. Ivan missed us, but my brother's area in P'cola was trashed. Dennis missed us the on the other side, east of here. Katrina just made us poop our pants watching it grow out in the gulf, but we had nothing from it but surf.

Most of the stuff is inland and well west right now, but the line runs well out into the gulf, and it's moving northeast, so it'll me in my neighborhood by morning, but supposedly all spent out by then. And then of course it gets cold afterwards. Lows in the 30s all next week. Who wants that shit?

But Washington???!?!?!!?!! Holy crap!!!!

I know the feeling... had one miss my house by about 100 yards October 2nd., with a second one about 1/4 mile away. In the dark, no less.


You guys who have tornadoes and hurricanes are nuts. I'll take our earthquakes any day over that stuff.

Stay way from the damn things, BTW.

About 2.5 hours ago we had what they have now confirmed was an F-1 tornado touch down here in Vancouver, about 1 mile from our home. I was across the river in Portland but my wife called to tell me. Now that I'm home I've been watching the news; amazing photos, blown off roofs, lots of trees, fences and power lines down, billboards snapped off like matchsticks. A local trucking company had some sort of building in their parking lot that housed a public-utility pump facility, that had the roof and two walls blown out/off. One of the walls ended up underneath a big king-cab pickup that must have been picked up and put back down. Windshields and side windows also blown out on numerous vehicles in their parking lot.
I know you folks in the Midwest have these a lot more often than we do (last one here in Vancouver was 1972) but it's a pretty big event for us, and a wee-bit scary. Nothing but a short internet interruption here are our place, and the Feejer is fine, thank you very much. I'm not sure where slapnpop lives but I believe his work spot is outside the area where things got dicey.

If you want to send farkle-aid just in case we have any more storms come through just PM me :lol:

Local news station photos at:

You sure it wasn't Warchild tearing open that Yoshimura shipping box to get at that new exhaust system for his Busa...????

You guys who have tornadoes and hurricanes are nuts. I'll take our earthquakes any day over that stuff.
Stay way from the damn things, BTW.
There aint no tornado or hurricane season on the left coast....think I'll stay put!

LD,You sure it wasn't Warchild tearing open that Yoshimura shipping box to get at that new exhaust system for his Busa...????
Now that's funny...and a nice theory, but our local news at ten tonight reported that the whole thing was merely a case of bad gas for Ponyfool. Nothing to be alarmed about anymore folks...that's right, go back to work... :nuke:

Guess that'd explain the bad smell and brief blast of warm-air right before it got cold again. :bad:

BTW, we went over to a friend's house last night, she's located just north of 78th, which was the pretty much the tornado-track. Saw the building the news showed that had the brick facade that came tumbling down. She had piles of hail in her yard, and the street looked like a snowplow had come down it. She said hail covered everything almost an inch deep, then the rain came and forced it into the sides of the street along the curb, mounding it up.

The CEO of the small local bank where my wife works lives just off Vancouver Lake, which is where the tornado first touched down. The first thing it destroyed was the local Vancouver Lake Crew Club, from the clubhouse to the rowing shells, and everything in between. The CEO's kids both worked at the club. Their webpage at has pictures of the damage, and a link to the bank where an account is being setup for donations to help the non-profit club rebuild.

You guys who have tornadoes and hurricanes are nuts. I'll take our earthquakes any day over that stuff.
Stay way from the damn things, BTW.
There aint no tornado or hurricane season on the left coast....think I'll stay put!
Yeah, but you guys get mudslides!

One of my friends lives out at the east end of town (Napa).... last time I was there half her driveway was gone....

not as bad as some folks, but still...


You guys who have tornadoes and hurricanes are nuts. I'll take our earthquakes any day over that stuff.
Stay way from the damn things, BTW.
There aint no tornado or hurricane season on the left coast....think I'll stay put!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Vancouver, Wa on the left coast? I realize the sun sets and rises only on Kalifornia and those who live there, but :)

Tornadoes can happen in many places beyond the normal tornado alley in the USA. There was one in England last year and Canada gets 'em every now and then. Growing up in Kansas City we had one go over our house and shook it... I remember being knocked to the floor. Since living in the South since 1984 I've seen more than my fair share of violent weather while residing in MS, AL, and SC. The last few years I've been in Huntsville, AL, and Birmingham, AL and it seems those places are magnets for twisters.

Now that I live at 7500 feet ouside of Denver in the mountains, I rest easier knowing the chances of a twister here in Evergreen is very very remote.
