Not too shabby. Having the airplane overhead is sorta cheating though.
Hey Pony, I like you and appeciate all that LEO's do to maintain that thin Blue Line..
BUT - I LOVE it when the average joe has the opportunity to 'cheat' like ya'll do
all the the time! Radar, Lidar, helicopters, cool radios, the super secret 'silent code'.....
Especially when it's done 'professionally'. This guy wasn't drinkin', tokin', or even crack pipe smokin'.. He had an *excellent* plan, finances to afford technology ya'll use all the time, the opportunity, and did it!
It's an inverse universe thing - I say what the fook, :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
in a smaller way, don't we all feel the same way when we break the law? Even how small?
Come on now LEO's, even you do it and get the same thrill. It's human nature.. and not wrong at all... if you can get away with it, safely.. I'm sure the 150 mph posters will agree, the Cognoscente group will agree, the guyz like me who just love speed once in a safe while will agree.... and for the others?
Flame away, at least I have a complete 6 days before DPF (dog pile Friday) and I'm sure somebody else will say something more stupid than this between then and now..