Transferring posted routes to GPS

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Official *******
Mar 6, 2008
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Westminster, MA
I have a Zumo 550 and I want to load some of the posted routes for EOM. My computer with my Mapsource program loaded into it has **** the bed and I want to know if I could use my other computer that doesn't have it installed to do this? Is it possible to hook up the device with the USB cable to the computer, click on the link and download it direct? Do you have to save it first on the hardrive? Is this even possible since it doesn't have Mapsource programmed into it?

Sorry about all of the questions, just want to get it into the GPS. I was planning on doing it this week to get ready, then the weekend brought havoc to my stupid PC.


I am quite positive that you need to have your software open in order to download routes to your unit... no matter whether those routes are on your hard drive or not. But not positive.

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Download the .gpx file to your desktop. After plugging in your Garmin, simply drag the file from the desktop to the desired folder in your Garmin. Unhook everything, and Garmin should do the rest.

****, I got this to work, while at work, with a frickin' Mac.

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Wow, didn't know that you could do this. That is if you get lucky & do not need to recalculate in your own software, right?

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This will only load the file, as written. When the Garmin is disconnected from your computer, it should prompt you that it has found some new ****, do you want to manage it (or something like that.) You choose, yes, manage, tell it to add the routes to your "routes." Bammo, they're in there.

Yes, Scab is exactly correct.

All you have to do is place the GPX files on the Zumo unit, either directly to its \Garmin\GPX folder, or somewhere on the SD memory card if you have one installed. I do recommend creating a \Garmin\GPX folder on the SD card to drop the files into. It makes the Zumo recognize them much faster.

The Zumo will prompt you that new data has been found and ask if you want to manage that data now? Answer Yes, select the routes you want to import. The Zumo will recalculate all the points, regardless of what version map you are running.

The recalculation is required because a GPX file does not reference points on your maps, it references GPS coordinates which are in turn translated to the nearest road coordinate on your map. If you have a map version that varies significantly from a GPX route point, it will be posted on your Zumo as an off-road segment. But this is a rare occurence.

One last note- Should you accidentally miss the prompt to manage the new data now, go to the tools menu, User Data, Import Files. The Zumo will repeat the search and allow you to chose again.

When I connect my Garmin to my computer, it is displayed as a "mass storage" device. (Additional hard drive.) By going to "My Computer" I can view all drives. The Garmin will actually display as two drives if you have a SD card installed. Within the Garmin, there is a "Garmin" folder. Within this folder there are more folders, such as "Vehicle" and other stuff. Inside this "Garmin" folder is where I added a folder called "GPX." Any route files such as this, I just drag 'em to my "GPX" folder, that is within my Garmin. That's it.

While my skills with Garmin's MapSource are very limited, I have played a little with it and made some routes of my own. (just to see if I could) When I do so, I just save the files as a ".gpx" file type, to my desktop or other designated place. Then, to get them on my Garmin, I do the above procedure.

Do you think these procedures will work the same on a Garmin Nuvi 760???????

I am chasing the same question and this thread is very timely......


I have no firsthand knowledge of a Nuvi. But, if you plug it up to your computer and it shows up as a drive, then I would guess yes.

OK, so the answer is "no", I can't transfer the EOM routes to my Zumo because the Mapsource program is not loaded into my computer. I can save the info to the computer, but can't open it because the computer doesn't recognize it. Therefore, I'm just SOL. Great timing for my computer to go south :angry2:

So, I'm left with fishing for alternatives, short of purchasing another freaking unlock code from Garmin so that I can load the Mapsource program into yet another computer..... What about the SD card? Is it possible to transfer the data from someone else's SD card into my Zumo with the Zumo retaining the info once the SD card is removed? If so, then is it possible to put a blank card in the Zumo then save it from the Zumo into the SD? UUUUUUGGGHHHH!!

I have a better idea. I'm making this WAY too difficult. If someone out there who will be attending EOM is willing to download all of the EOM routes onto an SD data card compatible for the Zumo550, PM me, please. I'll gladly pay you for the purchase of the SD card as well as a little something extra for the trouble of loading the routes onto it ( I know, all of the two minutes it'd take you!) And no, Jeff, you're not getting my Bud Lite!

OK, so the answer is "no", I can't transfer the EOM routes to my Zumo because the Mapsource program is not loaded into my computer. I can save the info to the computer, but can't open it because the computer doesn't recognize it. Therefore, I'm just SOL. Great timing for my computer to go south :angry2: So, I'm left with fishing for alternatives, short of purchasing another freaking unlock code from Garmin so that I can load the Mapsource program into yet another computer..... What about the SD card? Is it possible to transfer the data from someone else's SD card into my Zumo with the Zumo retaining the info once the SD card is removed? If so, then is it possible to put a blank card in the Zumo then save it from the Zumo into the SD? UUUUUUGGGHHHH!!

I have a better idea. I'm making this WAY too difficult. If someone out there who will be attending EOM is willing to download all of the EOM routes onto an SD data card compatible for the Zumo550, PM me, please. I'll gladly pay you for the purchase of the SD card as well as a little something extra for the trouble of loading the routes onto it ( I know, all of the two minutes it'd take you!) And no, Jeff, you're not getting my Bud Lite!

Chill Dude!!!

If you have a Zumo 550, put it in my hands and I'll load all the routes for you in under 10 minutes. No computer and only one Bud Lite required.

You can accomplish the same thing before you leave by:

1. Plug up the Zumo to a computer. Can you see the SD card in "My Computer"? If so, copy the GPX file to that drive.


2. Take the SD card out of the Zumo. Plug it into a reader on a computer and copy the GPX file to it.

Stop trying to OPEN the GDB files. COPY the master GPX file instead.

3. Hand your Zumo to me at EOM. I'll insert my great big 10" SD card into it and... :)

You'll owe me a Bud Lite.


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Alright, Jeff. I have to buy a new SD card tomorrow and will try again, but if all else fails, I'll hand 'er over to you. Nice to know that southern kindness still exists..... lived in SC for a number of years and it still amazes me that folks will just strike up a conversation on the street with a perfect stranger. The world could use more of this....


P.S. Looking forward to meeting you at EOM..... you won't miss me....I'll be the young whipper-snapper with my ears pinned back like a green-horn!
