Truing a front wheel possible?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2013
Reaction score
San Diego CA
Not sure how the previous owner did this in just 10k miles, but the front wheel is a bit off. When I took it for the test ride I felt a slight wobble but was getting the bike cheap enough I didn't worry. It's very slight but noticeable only at as I come to a stop. No vibration at all at speed or when accelerating.

I removed the wheel, checked and it's not true. Is it possible to adjust these wheels? My guess is no but thought I would check before purchasing another.

I've had my rims done 3 times. Part of living in Canada with all of our pot holes. So doesn't matter if it's 10K or 100K. just takes a second hitting the wrong thing.

Guy that does them here does an excellent job but he did explain that 3 spoke wheels are notoriously hard to true. Hit on the spoke, you may bend the lip near the bead, hit between the spokes and you'll easily change the geometry of the tire.
