Under Seat Storage Compartments

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Stamford, NY
Ok.. so I am looking at the compartments with all of the rubber bands under the seats of my 2012.

Is it just me, or does it look like the compartments are meant for specific items to fit them?

Are they artifacts of the police bike purpose or something? Are there specific accesories that fit in each space (first aide, radio comm stuff)?

Lots of room there w/o the "U" lock... wouldn't want it there. My under-seat emergency kit includes kitchen sink to wash up after performing roadside repairs (on other cycles... we all know the FJR is bulletproof).

Ok.. so I am looking at the compartments with all of the rubber bands under the seats of my 2012.
Listed as #1 of the New Owners Read This section.
I feel a little bad now...

As someone who previously owned a KLR650 for and was a member of the advriders forum at the same time (those two in combination will garner you a fair amount of abuse.. all beit fun and brotherly abuse), I am one of those that lives in fear of posting new things on forums for fear of someone saying "do a search before wasting our time and space", "google is your freind", "rtfm" etc...

I promise you that I did several searches, using both google with the "site:" switch and the fjrforum search, and using as many combinations of the words under, seat, storage, compartment, rubber straps, etc...as i thought logical. I never used "pillion", as it isn't a word i normally use, and i wasnt looking for the rear seat compartment alone.

In my defense, I did read the "New Owners Read This" section start to finish, as directed, when I signed up. But, #1 that you refer to was under the heading "The following mainly applies to the 2003-2005 FJR." so I read it, but didnt put a lot of weight on the info in that section as mine is a 2012

To my detriment.. it also says "(Read the whole post, there is info throughout for all years)..." But even though it says that, I guess I still wouldnt have put "U-lock" together with that spot, as I had never owned a U-lock before, nor had I ever owned a bike with enough space to carry one under the seat.

That all aside, and with the new knowledge you folks have so graciously shared with me eliminating the question of the two convex depressions ... the other spaces in there still look like they were made for somethign specific... so my thirst for knowledge, while lessened to some extent, still remains.

I think the only thing that "belongs" there is the FJR tool kit. I only leave it there because of the one tool that is worth anything - the Yamaha sparkplug wrench! Other than that, my auxillary fuse box and wired heated gear controller is there.

I think European bikes come with a u-bolt lock under the passenger seat.
I can confirm that the space under the passenger seat is meant for the u-bolt lock and that is what I use it for. There is no lock included in the European bikes from factory though.

Owner's Handbook shows CYCLELOK fitment:

(Click on image for larger view)

Detail taken from page

You guys are incredible :)

Thank you mcatrophy.. the mystery is solved. I see where all the pieces fit, and that it is for a very specific lock.

I am going to assume the driver seat compartment is just shaped as it is due to space available... as it just doesnt look specialized like the rear.

This is not in the OM that came with my bike, nor the downloaded one from Yamaha.

I will keep a more open mind when reading Info threads on this forum ! If only I had thought.. "oh yeah.. a Ulock might fit my newer bike too..." or.. If I had purchased a Gen 1... we'd not be busy with this...

Ok... so, now i need to find a very small sink, so I can wash my hands after I help the poor riders whose chose inferior bikes ;)


You guys are incredible
Thank you mcatrophy.. the mystery is solved. I see where all the pieces fit, and that it is for a very specific lock.

I am going to assume the driver seat compartment is just shaped as it is due to space available... as it just doesnt look specialized like the rear.

This is not in the OM that came with my bike, nor the downloaded one from Yamaha.

I will keep a more open mind when reading Info threads on this forum ! If only I had thought.. "oh yeah.. a Ulock might fit my newer bike too..." or.. If I had purchased a Gen 1... we'd not be busy with this...

Ok... so, now i need to find a very small sink, so I can wash my hands after I help the poor riders whose chose inferior bikes


Just FYI: No matter what you do, no matter how carefully you read, no matter how many searches you run, some asshole will find something to bust your balls for.


The rubber strap is used to hold the trailer light converter. The area under the seat is for a compressor and tire repair stuff. Also have the little bag slot covers in there.

Oh... the Bag Slot Covers.... I forgot about those !!

( hehe.. trailer light convertor... nice !!! )

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Just FYI: No matter what you do, no matter how carefully you read, no matter how many searches you run, some asshole will find something to bust your balls for.

I look back on it now at it as more of a "hey dummy... you missed it...but here it is "... than an actual ball breaking...

That being said, this looks to be a forum full of everday guys (and gals) like me, who all share exceptional intellegence and great taste (re:thier choice of motorcycle)... if I dont get my balls busted once in a while, I will think there's something wrong :)

18 posts in and I already feel like I am contibuting... the next poor bastard who searches for "Under Seat Storage Compartments" will be directed to not only a post with proper information (Thank you to All of you), but actual pictures(thank you mcatrophy) that unveil the mysterty in a more visual manner than words ever could !!!

Thank you!!

Now I want a CYCLELOK

I have an illness... if I own a machine, with a space specifically designed for a specific accesory, I obsess about it till I get one...

I don't NEED one... but now i WANT one...

....but actual pictures(thank you mcatrophy) ...
If I try to explain things in writing, my explanations tend to be very lengthy. Well over the thousand word equivalent of a picture.

Besides, many of the forum members here can't read. Or, at least, they can't write
. So pictures are usually the best way of communicating

Ulock? I thought nobody steals sport touring bikes.

Under my seat , I find those rubber bands are great for holding my Tire Plugger kit and compressor, a power block, the tool kit, a package of rope, some odds and ends tools, electrical tape, duct tape, and probably a number of other things that I have forgotten. Isn't this what mama yamaha intended?

I don't have a U lock but the rear most compartment of my 06 Gen II contains the control module for my McCruise cruise control, the forward compartment the McCruise actuator and the middle compartment the 06 necessary Power Commander V + Autotune modules.

Very good of Mamma Yamma to think of providing these very necessary storage areas to rectify the 06 short commings.

I got rid of the useless tool kit. In its place I have the usual stuff--fish hooks and line, matches, ration kit, orange smoke distress signals, water purification tablets, flares, compass, and an emergency blanket. In addition I have some gold coins, a few Hershey Bars, and three pairs of nylons. For, uh, bandages.
