Update from Silver Penguin

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Silver Penguin

Silver Penguin
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Huntington Beach, CA
Hello to all, especially Mad Mike 2 and friends who sent a card and some great pix. We enjoyed looking at those this morning.

Andy has been moved to an acute rehab unit at the same hospital, where the Physical and Occupational therapists are kicking his butt. They don't often get a 'young' motivated patient to work with. Andy is able to stand on one leg but unable to put any weight on the other leg, or either arm. He also has to wear a back brace. They've made extensions for a spoon and fork but that seems more for amusement value than nutrition. He really needs eye protection when using them!!!

The plan is to get everything working the way it was and at some point along the journey, he will move out of here. I'm still living at his bedside. Hopefully, he can progress straight to home rather than a skilled nursing facility.

For the first time since the accident, I rode my bike yesterday. Very scary. Looked down at the speedo and saw it read UNDER the speed limit. That's new for me. Some very gentle and thoughtful friends set me up as part of a group ride that included some rookies. Watching the rookies ride helped my confidence a lot. On the way home, I opted to take the freeway on my own (and go a little faster). Both me, and the bike are still happy with three digits. Yeeeahhh!!!

And the best part of the ride? A surprise meeting with ZZKenoman and Larry. My riding buddies were uneasy when I walked off with two strange men. But, bikes had to be checked out.

Great day out, and all the better for having good friends there.


That's good news, Jill. At least he is looking forward and setting goals. The frustration will mount but he will keep improving. Do we need to collect more posters? :D Want some pictures from the class you "missed"? :rolleyes:

Hi Jill,

That was a surprise to see you at Cooks Corner, and it was Jim EuroFJR that I was with when I met with you. We actually came to see what farkles this silver FJR had, and recognize you from your photos. I'm glad you came out with your supporting friends and able to ride some of your jitters off. I went on a nice ride with Joelmoto and Docdandc later on that morning, but unfortunately Eurofjr had his mishap later that afternoon, see photos.


Jim admitted pushing beyond his limits riding thru the backyard of the hideaway near lake henshaw and went thru the corner @ 5mph. He was slightly bruised in the ego department, but not hurt. But getting back to you and your DH, I'm glad he is doing well, and giving us the update on his condition. Again we wish him the best and a fast recovery!

zzkenoman (larry)


Great to see you posting and better still to hear that Andy is making progress. I'm sure he's getting excellent care but it must be wonderful for him to have you there. You're doing an amazing thing...

The two of you remain in our thoughts.

Please let us know if there is anything we East Coasters can do to help.

Best regards



Glad to hear Andy is doing better and that you got out for a ride. If there is ever this Vermonter can do for you just let me know. Stay safe.


Being able to get on one leg is a start. The utentials, isn't he wearing wrap around sunglasses? DH has been in out thoughts. Glad he is working in Rehab. Hope the transition to home is soon. Institutional menues are usually great motivation. :dribble: Go to have you back on a break out ride. Hope the progress of DH is faster now. TJ

Jill -

WOW. I read the other thread then and only then fully understood how banged up Andy is. You are one special person to spend your day working in the hospital then stand by your man in the hospital at night.

Tell Andy to stay positive, we out here are generating as much positive energy as possible for him and you.

unfortunately Eurofjr had his mishap later that afternoon, see photos.


Ouch!!!! Hope he, and the bike are recovering OK. Gotta love those sliders. Looks as though they did their job.

Thanks to all, for your thoughts and prayers. This has been a truly life-changing experience. We've learned a lot so far, and still have a long road to travel.



Thanks for the photos.

Let's go riding again soon.

Keep me posted....had a good time....and Jim is OK!!




Hapy to hear that Andy is progressing well. I am also happy that you have gotten your riding legs under you again :yahoo: I know that has been a concern for yousince the accident.

Take Care

" unfortunately Eurofjr had his mishap later that afternoon, see photos."

Hmm... sliders work...

and ...

Always carry duct tape! <G>

glad he wasn't hurt...


Hey Silver- can you tell us something about your leathers in that foto of you on the '03.? Just some basics is prolly enough to get the research i need. Thanks!

