Using my new lift!

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2007
Reaction score
Cheshire, Connecticut
Today I had the opportunity to actually use the motorcycle lift my wife gave me for my birthday. I was in for a surprise when I first rode the fjr up onto it a couple of weeks ago. The platform is only 24 inches wide and is 7 inches off the ground. When I put the kickstand down it was just hanging in air. The manufacturer offers 12 inch extensions for each side - something I wasn't too keen about as that meant working on the bike from an addition 12 inches away. . .

I came up with the solution you see here. The big advantage is as soon as I get the bike on the centerstand I can move the 'extension' out of the way. If I were doing anything more involved than changing the oil I would have tied her down.







I replaced the front wheel vise with a Condor Chock and that eliminated the need for either the side stand or the center stand.

The other thing I did was to apply grip tape like they use on skate boards to give the surfaces more friction.... not only for the rear wheel, but also for my own feet as I step off.

As fared bikes go, the FJR is the easiest one I've ever seen for oil and oil filter changes, with or without a lift... but the lift can be a plus. I hope you really enjoy yours.

Bet you could do some sweet jumps with that!
Great lights, hardly a shadow in the joint.
The lights were a great deal. The company I work for upgraded the 'troffers', the 2' X 4' drop in fixtures to very high efficiency units. These were part of over a hundred that were just thrown out. I replaced a couple of 8 foot fixtures with 9 of these. The garage door JUST clears the lights :)

It does give great even lighting - especially for old eyes!
