I actually test rode one of those at Daytona Bikeweek a few years back. A friend & I were up there and were walking by, there was no line, and thought "why not?".
I was surprised, it rode much better than I thought it would. Even tho it's heavy as heck, you didn't notice so much when riding IMO. The main thing I remember that I did not like was the heat off the engine; it flat cooked my legs/thigh, and the weather out was relatively cool as I recall. I can't imagine riding it in the summer.
I don't expect ever having one in my garage unless I somehow get one killer deal used unexpectedly; and even then, I think I would only want it long enough to ride it abit, then turn it back over. I don't know what the gas mileage is on these (I'm thinking 20-25), but I "guess" that you could make it a decent LD freeway runner, not sure. I just know that it won't be me to figure that out...