Venture Air knee pad sloppy?

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2008
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Livermore, CA

After sending my 07 back to the barn by way of a gravel covered road, I find myself shopping for some new gear. I have a tourmaster transition series 2 jacket that gave its life for my skin and I'm getting duplicate of it. It did it's job admirably.

I do have concerns about my Venture Air pants that don't need to be replaced but, I have always been uncomfortable about how the armor in the knee moves around. It feels as though the knee pad would just slide out of the way if it were ever employed in a crash.

Anyone had experience with that??

I do have concerns about my Venture Air pants that don't need to be replaced but, I have always been uncomfortable about how the armor in the knee moves around. It feels as though the knee pad would just slide out of the way if it were ever employed in a crash.
I've always had the same concern but I figure if you look at the mechanics of it, ALL pants are going to suffer from the same issue. Sorry to hear about your get off, but at least the gear did its job.

I have a pair of Airboss mesh pants and don't have that problem. I've had a pair of textile pants (forget which, but they were cheap) that had sloppy knee pads. I feel much more secure in the Airboss.

I have a pair of Venture Airs, and while I love the jacket, the knee pads in the pants ride on the inside of my knee. I've tried readjusting them every which way, but they are still on the inside, where it seems they will do no good whatsoever.

I wish TM would make some mesh textile pants that fit as good as thier jackets, with the little stretchy snap stays to keep everything where it should be, and to keep the bottoms from looking like pantaloons.

I have a pair of Venture Airs, and while I love the jacket, the knee pads in the pants ride on the inside of my knee. I've tried readjusting them every which way, but they are still on the inside, where it seems they will do no good whatsoever.
I wish TM would make some mesh textile pants that fit as good as thier jackets, with the little stretchy snap stays to keep everything where it should be, and to keep the bottoms from looking like pantaloons.
Yes! Just to the inside of the knee!! OK, that confirms that it is likely a manufacture/design issue and probably not a fitment issue. Mine are exactly the same way. :)

I have a pair of Venture Airs, and while I love the jacket, the knee pads in the pants ride on the inside of my knee. I've tried readjusting them every which way, but they are still on the inside, where it seems they will do no good whatsoever.
I wish TM would make some mesh textile pants that fit as good as thier jackets, with the little stretchy snap stays to keep everything where it should be, and to keep the bottoms from looking like pantaloons.

Thanks for the tip!

I love my Tourmaster jacket and have replaced it with the same model. The fit, comfort and function is fnatastic.

I will find a place to try on the Airboss pants as stated above. I think this may be just an engineering issue with venture air.

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I have a pair of Airboss mesh pants and don't have that problem. I've had a pair of textile pants (forget which, but they were cheap) that had sloppy knee pads. I feel much more secure in the Airboss.


I have some time to go check out the Airboss stuff this week.

I do have concerns about my Venture Air pants that don't need to be replaced but, I have always been uncomfortable about how the armor in the knee moves around. It feels as though the knee pad would just slide out of the way if it were ever employed in a crash.
I've always had the same concern but I figure if you look at the mechanics of it, ALL pants are going to suffer from the same issue. Sorry to hear about your get off, but at least the gear did its job.

Thank you!

I have a pair of Venture Airs, and while I love the jacket, the knee pads in the pants ride on the inside of my knee. I've tried readjusting them every which way, but they are still on the inside, where it seems they will do no good whatsoever.
I wish TM would make some mesh textile pants that fit as good as thier jackets, with the little stretchy snap stays to keep everything where it should be, and to keep the bottoms from looking like pantaloons.
Thanks for the tip!

I love my Tourmaster jacket and have replaced it with the same model. The fit, comfort and function is fnatastic. But the pants are just like you describe, "the knee pads in the pants ride on the inside of my knee". Exactly!

I will find a place to try on the Airboss pants as stated above. I think this may be just an engineering issue with venture air.

I have the Venture Air pants, and I've crashed them. No problem. Once I'm under way I'll reach down and shove the pads a bit outside, enough so they aren't against the tank. They do tend to twist inwards, and it's not just at the knees. If you look at your feet you'll probably find the side zipper well around towards the front of your leg.

In my crash the knee was impacted, no injury at all, but the stitching in the panel over the knee was worn through. The worn stitching was far enough outside the actual pocket that I had it restitched, through the liner and everything (not the removable liner, the built-in soft liner), and I still wear the pants.

The hip pad could do with a little heavier duty piece, though. I got a pretty nasty bruise there.

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I have the Venture Air pants, and I've crashed them. No problem. Once I'm under way I'll reach down and shove the pads a bit outside, enough so they aren't against the tank. They do tend to twist inwards, and it's not just at the knees. If you look at your feet you'll probably find the side zipper well around towards the front of your leg.
In my crash the knee was impacted, no injury at all, but the stitching in the panel over the knee was worn through. The worn stitching was far enough outside the actual pocket that I had it restitched, through the liner and everything (not the removable liner, the built-in soft liner), and I still wear the pants.

The hip pad could do with a little heavier duty piece, though. I got a pretty nasty bruise there.
I'm very glad that the pants worked well in a crash and that YOU weren't injured severely. The issue may be just psychological on my part. After seeing how important the gear is in a crash, I just don't want to have any doubt about it's effectiveness. :)

