Well-known member
Damn gearman that is some nice stuff you machined up. I bet there are many of us on this forum that would buy your hardware to do this install including me. I just made do with the hardware that came on the dl650 kit.The oem hardware really didn't work so I made my own. I had the throttle binding problem so I also made some barends to suit. Tried them out today and really like 'em.Just installed the throttle side to see what it looked like. Looks like it was designed for the FJR! :yahoo: Definitely binds the throttle without a spacer. Nothing suitable here so I guess I'm off to the Hardware store to find an appropriate washer(s). Also noticed that the Suzuki Lever bolt, although it works, is not quite right as the hex does not sit against the lever casting. Anyone know if there is an issue with not 'clamping' the lever assembly? Won't effect operation but looks 'wrong' to me. Oh well, short of buying a lathe, I guess it's good enough!