Walking on Water?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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San Pedro to Avalon? Well, Jill ?
Hey - let's do it Hal! I was just in San Pedro today, but missed the chance. Still, given the chance to ride a hamster wheel, versus an FJR on warm, sunny Sunday afternoon.......

Avalon? Man that'd be a long way by Aqua Bronc! The only place in Western North America where the Aqua Bronc can be ridden is near Radium Hot Springs in BC.

There is this however; https://www.zorb.com/smoky/

Ah, well? We live such protected lives in the land of mass population here on California's coast! For stimulation, I guess I'll seek the usual mundane, non thrill, fun seekers stuff that is offered at Magic Mountain near Saugus?

... or maybe a motorcycle ride?


San Pedro to Avalon? Well, Jill ?
Hey - let's do it Hal! I was just in San Pedro today, but missed the chance. Still, given the chance to ride a hamster wheel, versus an FJR on warm, sunny Sunday afternoon.......

Avalon? Man that'd be a long way by Aqua Bronc! The only place in Western North America where the Aqua Bronc can be ridden is near Radium Hot Springs in BC.

There is this however; https://www.zorb.com/smoky/

Ah, well? We live such protected lives in the land of mass population here on California's coast! For stimulation, I guess I'll seek the usual mundane, non thrill, fun seekers stuff that is offered at Magic Mountain near Saugus?

... or maybe a motorcycle ride?

Jill, I meant I'll watch - heck, I didn't see an outboard on that sucker, so there's no way I could do that. Now Barry, on the other hand, Senor Half Mary and all, he could probably do that.

Barry, I just showed the Zorb link to my son - he was in New Zealand in 2005, and went for a spin in one of those. Had a blast. That sounds like fun, and it relies on gravity, and you don't drown if you fall out. And it doesn't need an outboard.

If anyone could pedal a hamster wheel to Catalina, Barry could. Half Marathon...... 100 mile bicycle ride....keeping up with the OC Velo cycle club members.

The gravity powered water ball looks like fun too. When they mentioned Rocky Mountains, that's NAFO territory, right? I'm sure we could get a group together for that. Although we'd probably be looking more in the area of senior discounts than parental permission slips. :)

