warp speed button

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years ago a friend had a fake button on his bike it was a red button in a black plastic case it had warp speed on it i think they allso made several more hyperdrive etc. any ideas.

Funny you should ask, I went down to my local trophy place and with dimensions of the hazard light button--I had them engrave a plastic tag and epoxied it over the top. It cost $4.95.

In homage to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy it said Infinite Improbability Drive

Of course it doesn't work.....but if you're in the middle of the Nevada desert at 2 a.m. doing a ton with HID lights blazing......one can pretend.


Yes, the bike's name is "Heart of Gold".

The toggle switch is a SPDT for my HID lights and the black button is hardwired to a garage door remote control I taped underneath.

Infinite Improbability Drive...and the black button is hardwired to a garage door remote control I taped underneath.
Great Idea. This may solve my foul weather fouling of my garage remote. Is it really just duct taped under there or did you use some velcro?

I just think of the cagers and LEO's as Vogons, slow and bureaucratic. When I get pulled over I just hand over the papers and hope they will not start reading their poetry from the Kalifornia driving law books. “Do you know how fast you were going" "no a$$hat I can't read my speedometer, it's in Japanese" :D

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Too funny..... You wanna put a button on your bike with My Name on it...

Im honored...

:drinks: :thumbup:

I also like the Garage remote.... Mine is so small I jjust keep it in my pocket, but I will eventually hard wire like that... great job...


I used the Hazard switch as my garage door opener switch. I mounted the opener in the nose under the headlight assembly. It is velcroed in place but I sealed it in a ziplock plastic bag just in case it gets wet. So far so good after 2 years and 30K miles.

I like the swtich cover BTW.

My problem with the Infinite Improbability Drive is that if you do find yourself in the middle of Nevada at 2 am and push the button , you invaribly end up in the middle of a vast dessert on some remote planet surrounded by strange beings that mistake your bike for food....or worse.

The Warp Drive for some reason seems useless on planet surfaces..when engaged, you always find yourelf exactly where you originaly started out on your trip. Very nice to have if after 400 miles you realize you forgot your wallet at home.

I do find the Photon Torpedo quite usefull, but better still it the Tractor Beam.. this can be used to save gas by "locking on" to the car in front of you and shifting to neutral.


Is it really just duct taped under there or did you use some velcro?
I tried velcroing the opener to the frame underneath, but eventually weather got to it after about a year and it died. I just put a new door opener under there, but sealed this one all up in a ZipLoc and taped it to the frame.

I agree a better option might be in the nose, but I've filled that area up with HID equipment.

I've pushed the Infinite Improbability Drive once. It felt a bit weird like being drunk.....which is a horrible thing if you happen to also have been transmuted to a glass of water.
