We need a new Rule

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Reigning NERDS Granite Lane Gold Medalist
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Bowmanville, ON
I am proposing a new rule for the FJR Forum........


I have like a case of WhoopAss just laying around in my garage. You need me to send some out? Lol...

I think this rule needs to be officially added! Kisses!!

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I am proposing a new rule for the FJR Forum........
majicmaker seconded the motion, 'Zilla and Papa Chuy Viejo voted YES so it's now Officially FJR Forum Rule #11.

By the way, I like this revised pic much better Billy Fitz; I contacted Brenda of Zia Graphics, she is making me up three dozen shirts in various sizes with your logo above on it!

I will be selling them at Western FJR Riders Rendezvous in Sparks NV, price is yet to be determined. jes' sayin' and nuff said, ese!


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How does the rule work if you say that Fred is right?
That means you are complying and no beatings will have to be administered. However, if what you say can, in any way, be construed as not being in 100% agreement with Fred, you will be construed as being in violation. Furthermore and hereto forthwith, no subterranean or subcutaneous thoughts of any intramuscular disagreement of anything Fred says, has said, will say, may say, wants to say, might say, should say, could say, thought of saying but didn't, or anything not said but on the tip of his tongue, right next to that persistent kanker sore will absolutely not be tolerated.

So when, Billy Fitz, Bust, Beemerdons, OM and Odot show up at your door with a can of WhoopAss®© and a baseball bat, do not say you weren't warned. Except, believe it or not, Bust is the only one with a valid driver's license, and is currently assigned to the corner, so for about a week or so, any shenanagins will get a very temporary pass, that may or may not be canceled retroactively.


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Next time hold his head up better for positive ID, Bill.

In fact, go back and do it now.
I can vouch for the fact that that is Fred. I was there when it happened, in a parking lot across the border in Canada. And that is Josie, Fred's wife, wearing the big smile as Bill gives Fred a good going over.
I think it had something to do with hockey at the time.

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Next time hold his head up better for positive ID, Bill.

In fact, go back and do it now.
I can vouch for the fact that that is Fred. I was there when it happened, in a parking lot across the border in Canada. And that is Josie, Fred's wife, wearing the big smile as Bill gives Fred a good going over.
I think it had something to do with hockey at the time.
It's all about the hockey and rear ends with those Canucks, eh! Canadians, you can't live with them and you can't live with them ese! jes' sayin' and nuff said!

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