Weather in SoCal

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Some call me... The STIG!
FJR Supporter
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
I woke up ready to go work out at the gym on my 9/80 day off (everyother Friday I have off). I was going to put on my sweat pants and sweat shirt and ride my bicycle there, cardio on the way there, cool. I go outside to get the newspaper (yeah they still have those), and it's near 70º! WOW! :yahoo:

I take off to the gym on my bicycle in shorts and a T-shirt. What a ride! Now I need to get off the forum and ride the FeeJ. :yahoo: :unsure:

By all means keep posting up those fair weather ride reports. they are great deal of help in my WINTER anger management course :cold:

Well ,we only made it to 62 today but it was windy. No ride today but I will be out there tomorrow when it is supposed to hit 67. And to think that two days ago I was scraping ice off the drive. That is weather here in OK. Sunday it will drop back to the 50's but no more really cold and no more ice in the 7 day forecast. Of course you cannot trust the weatherman.

Oh Yeah? :****:

Today I rode cRzy8 to work..

and I HAD to turn on the ELECTRICS it was SOO cold.



All this boasting is sure to catalyze a major earthquake. I guess the Fight Club rules don't apply to California riding....

All this boasting is sure to catalyze a major earthquake. I guess the Fight Club rules don't apply to California riding....
Nah... take a few precautions, store up some food/water, etc.... and you're good to go. Different potential catastrophe (be it blizzard, hurricane, ice storm, or earthquake) but plan for it just the same. :)

Hell if'n I ain't gonna take advantage of what is for the takin' today... really, isn't that all we got? ;)

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All this boasting is sure to catalyze a major earthquake. I guess the Fight Club rules don't apply to California riding....
Bring it on...

Everyone knows that the rest of the United States is going to fall into the Atlantic when it hits.
