Well, I got my VStream last week....

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Active member
Nov 24, 2005
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Santa Barbara, CA
Heavy duty thickness, and damn big, but I like the shape of it and it makes things a lot quieter (I'm also using Skyway's spacers).

Just for the record - I'm about 5' 9", FJR is an '05, stock seat. In the lowest position the wind hits me right in the face, but it's reasonably quiet (not perfect) and my eyes are several inches above the glass, which is nice. If I bump the thing up just a couple of inches, there is a nice quiet spot where I'm both looking over the glass and it throws the wind over my helmet. If I put the thing in the fully up position, I'm looking through the shield (it goes several inches above my eyes) - but because the thing is big and flat - optics are good and it's pretty quiet. I don't usually like to look through glass, but the shape makes it OK and it will be good for long distance touring when I just need as little wind & noise as possible.

Happy with it.

I think so far it's the best shield I've tried, but I found it far too damn hot on warm days.

I like the shortness of the stocker for wind on hot days but damn it's noisy, in all ranges.

I just picked up and installed a CeeBailey's +2 with flip. I saw one on tstaffs? and it looked really nice (the Vstream isn't horrible looking but as you said "damn it's big".

So far like the wind I can get from the CeeBaileys in the down position better, and it's just about as quiet in the up position w/o any significant buffeting thus far.

There's some back pressure, but it's there with the vstream too.

The V-Stream is the sheet! Unfortunately, they don't make one for my FZ.

Yamaha tall works for me-vstream was real hot-real big-looked through shield and had back pressure (head and neck ached) in raised position and the design or size of the shield changed the handling of the bike in corners-side winds and passing big rigs at speed. Yamaha tall ctreates nearly the same quiet zone with out the negatives of the vstream and looks right on the bike (what ever thats worth)
