Went to BMW rally in Paonia, CO

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May 24, 2006
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Morrisville, NC
Hey all, just got back from Paonia, CO BMW rally on my FJR. Had a great time, saw about a dozen FJR's there. Really great group of people. Leaving to come home, caught up to 2 R1200GS and it took everything I had to keep up with them. Great riders on a great bike--don't have hardly any chicken strips left at all on rear tire.


P.S. how do I attach pics from my trip on here? Maybe I'm missing something, don't see that option. thanks

Why you up and gotta give that info away? I paid you two schillings to keep that info quiet. Some of us still have dial up, ya know?

Was this the BMW 100000 ft rally? I was asked to go on that but had a conflict. A lot of good scenery on that route.

"Top `O The Rockies" Rally"

Went there in `02. Good folks, fine roads, great scenery.

Didn't make it this year, rode up to Raton to meet my son and ride a few days with him instead.

Yep, Top of the Rockies, that one. Third weekend in August I'll be hitting many of those peaks again. there is a locally grown SS1000 rally (non-competitive) that doesn't leave the the states borders and with the exception of 300 miles worth of I-25 doesn't run in the plains. Going to try that one 2-up- a first for both of us. It will also be my first SS1000 with the FJR. I always used the FZ-1 otherwise.
