Went to Portland OR, and stopped by a BMW dealership.

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
North Georgia
I haven't been happy with my gear recently, so I went to try on an Olympia Phantom and some AST gear. Just to see how it would fit. Nothing fit correctly.

The sales guy said..."come over here and try this stuff on".

We went through about 6 jackets and 4 pants, with him getting fresh boxes from the back room, but I finally found gear that fits me the way I expect it to. I think this is the most important qualities in gear. (for me).

So.. I purchased a full BMW Santiago suit, with both Gortex liners.

yes it was spendy..even after a 15% off discount for buying all 4 pieces, it was still over 1k. (ouch)

We literally spent an hour and half trying on different sizes, and sitting on bikes, and asking does this make my butt look big?

They fit very very well better than any other gear I have tried on or purchased., I am so happy. Now I need to wait till Friday before they arrive (had them ship from OR to MA)...but I have 10 days of vacation after that! :)

Jacket color is Gray, and the pants are the Sand color. I decided against black, because ALL my other gear is black. Tiime for a change.

Expect to see lots of stuff for sale for big guys on the cheap soon. 6'3" 290lbs 44" waist.I will be selling most of my old gear.

I'll write a review after I return. I'm heading up the coast of Maine from MA to Canada for a few days, then back down through VT or NH. No real plans...just ride.

I think BMW gear is pretty good. I don't know that Aerostich is better or worse for what you paid, or any of the other brands, but to me I think finding the gear that fits you best, and THAT YOU ARE HAPPY WITH is top priority.

Similar story here. I really like Olympia but I have to get their gear altered to fit me right. On the other hand, BMW gear tends to fit me very well and (in my opinion) usually looks very good. I just hate paying the BMW cost. <_<

With that said, I'm trying Aerostitch next.

Ya, I did the hard swallow before handing over the credit card, but I justified by saying I won't be purchasing a new jacket or pants for at least 5-7 years.

..helmets, boots and gloves are another story.

It doesn’t matter how much you spend if the gear you buy doesn’t fit right and you leave it hanging in some closet. I’m sure we all have a few stories of that great purchase, only to find we seldom wear it because it is not comfortable, the knee pads ride our thighs or the left boot fits and the right boot is too tight.

It is not uncommon to read a review of a particular motorcycle and notice in the pictures the guy riding the bike is wearing BMW gear.

What is the old saying; it’s only worth what someone is willing to pay for it!

I’m sure you’ll enjoy your new gear for years to come and after the bill is paid, you won’t worry about what it cost you.

Looking forward to your review. Your helping GDP grow one sale at a time.

I'm in exactly the same boat as you. Been running from dealer to dealer trying to find decent new gear. I still wear my Hein Gericke jacket that I bought back in Germany 13 years ago. None of the gear I've tried on so far seems to fit that well, pants being the hardest to find. I want something that wears like regular jeans, not overpants, but with all the protection. Everything seems to be way baggy or uncomfortable when just walking around in it. Olympia comes close, but still not quite right for me.

So I too have been looking at BMW's gear. A friend had the Atlantis suit a long time ago, very nice but really spendy. But it lasts forever, is made of breathable leather yet it's waterproof, works in all temperatures I'll encounter around here year round, so I think I'm going to bite the bullet. (If this sounds like I'm rationalizing this to myself, that's exactly what I'm doing!) ;)

You came all the way out here and didn't tell anyone before hand? That's at least one free beer you missed!
