Westone CR-1 Mini-Review

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2006
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North Georgia
Ever since I started riding a street bike, I have been plagued with an issue most of us encounter: How to enjoy hi fidelity music on the bike and cut down on the wind noise from the helmet.

I have an Autocom setup that I run my Zumo and Passport into, then I Bluetooth my Blackberry to the Zump (not to talk, but to see who is calling to determine if I need to call them back sooner rather than later.) This setup works, but the provided helmet speakers only sounded decent without any earplugs in, and to overcome any wind noise I would need to increase volume to a point that was waay too loud for practical purposes. I started experimenting using the foam earplugs to attenuate the noise. This worked OK, but it was too muffled and I had to really crank up the tunes and the fidelity was awful. I knew there must be a better way, so I began research.

I soon discovered that there was a solution to my problem: Custom Molded In-Ear Monitors. Nirvana!...but they are expensive. I saved up a few dollars and bit the bullet. I went to local audiologist and had pink goop crammed into my ears, and then 2 weeks later they arrived.


The call came today, and was so excited I jumped on the bike in shorts and sneakers. I paid the guy, and fitted them in my ear holes and plugged everything in.

Fit was awesome, as you would expect from a custom mold, The rated sound reduction is 25db. This is a good rating IMO because you can still hear stuff around you. Unlike the 33-35 db foamies I was using that blocked out all sound pretty much.

Turned on the Zumo and the MP3 started playing. Vintage Aerosmith..and holy mother of god was it loud! I cranked down the volume to about 60% on the Zumo and things were a bit more normal. Still kinda loud, but bearable. The sound quality is excellent so far. My Mp3 collection is ripped at many bit rates, so I don't care how good your stuff is, if it's ripped at 64k its gonna sounds like ass. I will find some higher bit rate stuff and give a report, but I have feeling it will be positive.

If you are serious about your hearing, and enjoy riding with music, and having that music be good quality, I quote Ferris Bueller "If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up".

...oh I also fly alot for business, so these will also work extremely well on the plane for iPod or DVD use. This one one of the major factor in the decision to purchase. ( I wonder if they can be a business expense write off smile )

Ya know, I've tried ear buds, but they always fall out either while donning the helmet or mid-ride. How are these for staying put?

They look like Musicians earplugs so they dont stick out that much at all, really flush fitting. They will not fall out while riding at all, ever. Helmet is easy to put on, but can be tricky pulling it off, I suppose it would vary greatly with your noggin to helmet interface.

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They look like Musicians earplugs so they dont stick out that much at all, really flush fitting. They will not fall out while riding at all, ever. Helmet is easy to put on, but can be tricky pulling it off, I suppose it would vary greatly with your noggin to helmet interface.
Cool, thanks. What's the price point on these puppies? Website appears to be dealer-friendly only.

I tried the same solution among many others. My custom molds caused too much pressure on my outer ears and genuinely hurt after several hours in the helmet.

My current solution is one I find to be superb and it combines the benefits of quality earplugs as well as in ear canal earphones.

This company also has a Motorola Bluetooth earphone adapter solution that allows earphone jack plugin. Be sure to note there are 3 types of cord attachments available for the S plug universal earphones. I have no need for the Motorola; but it looks cool for those that might just want to put a Bluetooth music source on their person or bike.



My current communications setup includes a Zumo 550 with 1,000 songs, SmartCom Digital, Valentine 1, LG VX 10000 Bluetooth phone with an 8GB card and 1,700 songs. I have the open face microphone adapter for my Nolan N102 and find it to be the appropriate solution for a flip face helmet as you can continue to talk with the face up while stopped. Like you, I have been able to reduce music volumes considerably. The apparent secret to superb noise isolation is the deep insertion into the ear canal. I am particularly happy that there is no more hardware sticking out of my ear that might get hit by the helmet lining in a crash and possibly drive any projections into my tympanic membrane.

I happen to have a shaved head; so gain multiple benefits from wearing a "Slik" head cover. One benefit is that it eliminates the problem of the helmet pulling on the earphones during the process of putting the helmet on my head or when taking it off. The second major benefit is that it helps to keep my helmet from getting sweaty and smelly. I wash the Slik after every ride. Just be sure to get a head covering that extends over the outer ears. This solution also worked for my Etymotic ER6 earphones that I used for 30,000+ miles.

I guess these same hygienic concerns apply any time you're dealing with Sliks, Slicks, or Slick Willys.

I have this same type of custom ear plugs and they're great. Just a hint, if you have any guns shows in your area you can get them there as you wait. I bought two sets (1 with and 1 without speakers) while going though the show. I've worn them on my VTX with a half helmet and they will never fall out. Just my two cents.

I went with the UM-2s and I am considering a custom mould for them . . .
Westone rocks!!

Gunny, I found that with the Westone's if you moisten them slightly and turn them in so the wire ends up going over behind the top of your ear and down that they stay in better when putting your helmet on. One has a small red dot on it the other a blue, red one goes in the right ear.


They weren't cheap, but I only have one set of ears, and I did enough damage being a professional drummer for 12+ years.


I saw the S plugs only AFTER ordering the CR-1's. I might have gone that route, but so far I am very satisfied.

I have a flip up HJC, I found that flipping up and slightly pulling apart the helmet from the bottom is the best way to take it off.

Just my .02. I ordered some customs from Big Ear. They are the westones but with Big Ear custom moulds. I really like the sturdiness of the big ear motorcycle ear plugs. The construction seems like it would protect the wire connection better. My set came with the Westone pouch, cleaning tool and still had the logo on the plug and 'cord slider'.


Well, I'll be the odd man out. As usual. :rolleyes:

I absolutely freakin HATED the Westones I tried. This was about 3 years ago, so maybe they have made some changes. But they were too hard - some kind of vinyl like material. They did NOT attenuate road noise and were therefore useless. They were difficult to insert, and when the helmet was on they were extremely painful. I went back to the audiologist and had them make them a second time. Same result.

So then I went with a different company that made the 'Challenger' line of custom molded earbuds. These were better, as in instead of vinyl they were more like silicon rubber and were much softer. Problem was, only slightly better noise attenutation. Also, they were somewhat painful too.

And so after $$$$$, I gave up on custom molded earbuds.

Then I was turned on to the Etymotic ER-6 earbuds and they have worked very well. Not perfect, but they work. Now I am trying the S-plug referenced above by gasportrider. Jury is still out as to whether they are beter than the ER-6 for me, but they are giving them a good run for their money.

So, as in most farkles, like windscreens, tires, and such, individual result WILL vary. What works for one, will not work for another.

Just my .02. I ordered some customs from Big Ear. They are the westones but with Big Ear custom moulds.
I can tell by the photo from the link you provided that those would NOT work for me. They stick waaay to far out. My ears stick out, and so the helmet would be putting pressure against the earbud which causes excruciating pain after an hour or so. Hope you have good results.

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I can tell by the photo from the link you provided that those would NOT work for me. They stick waaay to far out. My ears stick out, and so the helmet would be putting pressure against the earbud which causes excruciating pain after an hour or so. Hope you have good results.
Actually, the photos don't really represent them well. They do not stick out , but do fill up the ear. The black plastic you see helps them slide as you donn and remove your helmet. My helmet does not push against them. I guess my ears don't stick out as much as yours. ;)

Gunny, I found that with the Westone's if you moisten them slightly and turn them in so the wire ends up going over behind the top of your ear and down that they stay in better when putting your helmet on. One has a small red dot on it the other a blue, red one goes in the right ear.


A little trick from Joe Zulaski of the IBA; use just a little Neosporin on the molds before insertion. It lubricates to create a better seal while it medicates to prevent irritation. Had the plugs in my ears for 60 hours over four days and didn't have a bit of trouble with pain or chaffing.

Paul Peloquin

IBA #333

Monmouth OR
