What do you want to know about riding gear

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R.I.P. Our FJR Riding Friend
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Orangevale, CA
We have a manufacturer of riding gear that is arguably the best gear in the world in terms of safety and other factors coming to WFO. What do you want to know about riding gear?

Do you want to know the difference between materials used? Is Ballistic Nylon safe? Will it melt? If so, what wont?

Do you want to know if Mesh gear is good for hot and cold temps? How can you manage the temperature variance with mesh gear?

Do you want to know anything I haven't brought up??? Tell me!!! I will relay this to the manufacturer and advise him of what he should focus on. They will be there and have a booth, and conduct seminars so let's let them know what questions we will have for them ahead of time. I want this to be productive and useful for all of us!

Something I've been wondering about the kevlar stuff- Will it get hot enough in a slide to conduct enough heat through to melt polyester undergarments? Does the manufacturer have any test data to prove one way or the other?

Maybe he'll strap a set on a dummy and we can drag Odo...er, the dummy down the road behind an FJR at about a hundred and see what happens. I'll donate the undergarments, rope, and helmet. Maybe Jeff Ashe will supply the suit.

Any volunteers for dummy work? It doesn't pay shit, but think of the notoriety. You might even get a set of tires!

My daughter/pillion has a question....

"Does Kevlar make my butt look bigger than Cordura?"

Flammability sp?. I once got my leg under the header pipe of an ATK 4 stroke, the racing 'leather's e.g. Fox 'nylons' caught freaking fire! So I was stuck under the bike, the header burning a hole to the femur (no joke) and to top it off, my entire pant leg was on fire and melting into the skin. Not a good day.

Thanks for that O'Vay. I would like to know the skinny(pun intended), on body armour that goes into the riding gear. The difference in them and the different ratings used to rate them. Which ones works best...you get my drift. And thanks for your time and efforts for all us at WFO6 and when do we get to hear of some planned rides? Thanks again, PM. <>< :good:

Being in an area where you can start off riding in 30 degree weather and wind up in 100+ degree weather, I would be very interested in convertibility and ventilation...

Something I've been wondering about the kevlar stuff- Will it get hot enough in a slide to conduct enough heat through to melt polyester undergarments? Does the manufacturer have any test data to prove one way or the other?
Maybe he'll strap a set on a dummy and we can drag Odo...er, the dummy down the road behind an FJR at about a hundred and see what happens. I'll donate the undergarments, rope, and helmet. Maybe Jeff Ashe will supply the suit.

Any volunteers for dummy work? It doesn't pay shit, but think of the notoriety. You might even get a set of tires!
This brings on a separate, but, related question. The general understanding, right or wrong, is that kevlar doesn't have the characteristics that will allow slides like leather or other textiles. Instead, it is more prone to send you tumbling rather than sliding. Is this true?

How about asking them about sizing. It seems to me that one manufacturers extra large is another manufacturers medium. Half the time its not even consistent within the brand. :dntknw: I was told by the rep at Fieldsheer that they are working on standardizing sizes throughout the industry. She seemed sincere but I'm curious if it was just a load of shite or if she is on to something. It sure would be nice not to have to send stuff back.

+1 on the sizing issue. It is bizarre trying to figure out the comparative size configurations between brands. I am 6'2", 205 lbs and my jacket sizes range from XL to XXXL and 46 to 58 in different brands. I realize some are European but this is nuts.

Also would love more info on ventilation on leather jackets, vs fabric.

Thx OV. Keep up the good work!

It sounds like a synthetic gear maker you are talking to? As with Painman I would be interested in armor and since most mesh gear fits loose, at least most wear it like regular clothes, what they recommend as to fit so it won't move while I go flippity floppity down the road.
