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Shane Stump

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
My 2006 FJR1300 AE has been having various electrical problems since last fall (2007). The problems have gotten progressively worse as time has progressed.

All of my 3rd party electrical accessories have been on the bike since August 2006 and I never had a problem with any of them / bike before the first ECM was replaced because of the recall (may just be a coincidence). All the electrical addons were tied directly to the battery. The first thing the dealer did was disconnect all the accessories to return the bike to stock and the problems still persisted ... I added this information so people don't ask if it has already been done.

Any how, here is what has happened in the last 6 months:

In August, the bike wouldn't shift and had to be towed to my local dealer. After 5 to 6 weeks, I got the bike back with Yamaha replacing the YACC computer.

I didn't get to ride that much in the fall because of my wife's health, but the bike seemed to ride fine when I did take it out.

In December I rode to Austin to get a new set of tires and my bike completely LOST POWER about 5 miles from the dealer and I paid to have it towed back (this was December 17).

The problem was determined to be the ignition switch failure and they ordered a new one and replaced it. My wife/daughter drove me 100 miles to pick up my bike on December 29 and I got about 2 miles from the dealer and my bike engine died (power was still on the bike). I restarted it and got off the road to a vacant parking lot.... the bike wouldn't start but all the lights on the dashboard were lit up. I called the dealer and they came and towed it back.

They checked the bike over and ordered a new headlight relay and a new ECM. They got it all installed and gave me a call on Thursday (January 15) to come get the bike! I told them I would be there on Saturday to pick it up. I got a call on Friday saying not to come pick up the bike because the tech took my bike out for one final test ride and the highbeam light on the dashboard stays on all the times ... because of the various electrical problems I have been having, they don't want to release the bike back to me until they get it fixed. They are suppose to be talking to Yamaha's regional rep tomorrow.

I called Yamaha's Customer Service on Friday and told them the story and that I wasn't very happy. I was told that my case has been documented and that they would do everything in their power to get me up and running ASAP.

I wish I had more confidence in them... at this point, I have been without my bike for over 2 months since August 2008. I am not asking Yamaha to give me a new bike but I sure the hell would like my bike fixed correctly and ASAP.

Has anyone else been through this kind of hell? If so, how did you resolve it satisfactorily? I just can't believe that Yamaha (or any major company for that matter) would consider this ACCEPTABLE! If any of the business software I have written for clients over the years had a problem like this that I couldn't have resolved, it would have turned UGLY!

Thanks in advance!

Bikeless in Texas!


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Sounds like SOMETHING is loose.

I would start by removnig ALL of your electrical farkles to see what the impact is. If the problem goes away you can start putting things back one at a time . . .

Perhaps you have a bad ground at the coils? The fuel pump?

Sounds like SOMETHING is loose.
I would start by removnig ALL of your electrical farkles to see what the impact is. If the problem goes away you can start putting things back one at a time . . .

Perhaps you have a bad ground at the coils? The fuel pump?
All of the electrical farkles have been disconnected and the bike is back to stock electrically.

I am sure it is something SIMPLE but two dealers haven't been able to isolate it yet (the bike has left me stranded 4 times).... after this experience with my bike, I don't think I can in good conscience ever make another Harley or BMW joke :dribble: !

Best Regards,


Shane, first, take a deep breath. You have a huge collective of experience here - so maybe someone can come up with something.

My first question - are there any error codes being displayed on the screen?

Shane, first, take a deep breath. You have a huge collective of experience here - so maybe someone can come up with something.
My first question - are there any error codes being displayed on the screen?

In the beginning of my problems, several shift error codes (which is why the YACC computer was replaced in August).

No error codes with the latest problems.

Best Regards,


Shane, first, take a deep breath. You have a huge collective of experience here - so maybe someone can come up with something.
My first question - are there any error codes being displayed on the screen?

In the beginning of my problems, several shift error codes (which is why the YACC computer was replaced in August).

No error codes with the latest problems.

Best Regards,

PM being sent
