What is that last hole for on my 2006 handlebar adjustment??

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Aug 21, 2007
Reaction score
I have a 2006 model fjr,,

I was adjusting the handlebars and i see 3 holes with 3 holes opposit and parallel for the bars to slip into,, via the pegs affixed to the bars,,,

way out in front there is one lone hole drilled,, its way forward,

see the dots as they represent the holes drilled in the top of the tripple clamp..


* <----------- ?? mystery hole :)

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, does anyone know if some how that is utilized as another adjustment,,

any help appreciated...

Thanks Much

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I adjusted my 2006 handlebars in May and there are only three positions. It wasn't real easy. I wanted my bars as far back as possible and the holes did not want to line up. I kept working with it till it went together correctly. It seems like that offset hole is for a pin.

There is a great writeup that can be accessed from the '06-'07 Bin-O-Facts (Generation II), Accumulation of '06+ FJR Data thread.
I hope this link works:

Wicked Webby's Handle Bar Adjustment Guide, For the 2006-2007 Models (Gen. II)

Hope this helps.


linkes worked ,,

i want to move my bars further forward,,,

to utilize that lone hole MOST forward,,, dont know why they didnt drill a parallel hole so that most fowrard position can be utilized,,,,

but im drilling one...

in that way i can retain the safety of 2 pins and the access of the forward position,,,

opinions welcome,,,,

anyone drilled and used the most forward hole like this before..??

Thanks Much
