What kinda hole is this?

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2009
Reaction score
Canton, IL
Anyone got a guess? I do remember that he told me he used it for his heated gear, I just can't remember the style of plug he told me it was. Going to email the original owner if the collective is unable to figure it out. Thanks for looking!


Not sure about the plug, but it reminds me of the two privates during the war. Found a dead animal alongside the road and got arguing over its species. One says a mule, one says it's a donkey. Sergeant comes along so they decide to ask him which it is. He says "It's an ass. Bury it." So they're doing that and along comes the Lieutenant. "What are you men digging, a foxhole?"

"No, sir." they answer.

You don't suppose. . . :huh:

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What kinda hole is this?
Dunno, stick your "thing" in it and see if it fits? :jester:

Seriously though, as mentioned above, it looks like a Powerlet socket - likely a low profile one.

Awesome guys, thanks! Think I see one of these in my near future to power the GPS and cell phone charger inside the ol' tank bag.
