What shield are 5'6" 30"inseam with Day Long and risers running?

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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2007
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San Franicsco Bay Area
I have a CalSci XXL shield (came with the bike). I have risers (came with the bike) and I bought the day long saddle.

Even all the way up (looking through the Calsci humango shield) my wife still gets turbulence and wind on her microphone.

I've read up on the Vstrom and am considering it for the quieter passenger abilities. Any thoughts from the shorter riders out there?

In the down position the Calsci is about 2" taller than I'd like it to be but it doesn't bother me.

The stock shield is way too short. I like riding with my visor up but within the cone of silence. The Calsci puts me in this cone. I can put up the shield a bit (still look over it) and be in the cone of silence where I ride with my visor up. However for whatever reason my wife does not get the same benefit. Even with the visor down she gets wind in an updraft that catches her mic.

Thoughts are welcome.

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I agree.

The stock shield should be fine.

I'm 5'10", can get a fair "cone of silence" with the screen full up, and I often raise (not fully) my visor.

That's not to say that another style screen wouldn't be better. I just haven't tried a different one. Besides, in this summer weather, my shield is always down.

Cee Baily +2h +4w flip. 5'7" 30". German risers on my '07, but shouln't make a rats *** worth of difference. I've also got the Russel day long. Stock shield gives me enough buffeting at 80mph to blurr my vision. I've speed tested my Cee Baily to 145 (on a closed course with a professional driver :p ) I like to run visor open, and shield up at about 3/4.

I did all the measurements and angles and bought a CalSci XXL. A day after installing it I took an inch off the top to make it better. I am 6'2" and only move the screen up about 1/2" - 3/4" and that works fine. If I raise it all the way up my wife gets some turbulence in the back, but neither of the Starcom1 microphones seem to be affected by the position. I did replace my helmet set two months ago and had to readjust the mic sensitivity because Sally was getting too much wind noise from my mic at all speeds. We both wear earplugs so we are always quiet.

I also have the stock shield. And it is NOT fine. When I run the stock one, I open the visor and the wind shuts it. If I shut it myself, the wind coming through the modular helmet is too much.

This question is more about how to create a cone of silence for my wife than for me. I get that with the CalSci.

Silent, ever run that setup with a passenger? I bought my day longs after sitting on yours late last year. Hope you've been well.

I also have the stock shield. And it is NOT fine. When I run the stock one, I open the visor and the wind shuts it. If I shut it myself, the wind coming through the modular helmet is too much.
This question is more about how to create a cone of silence for my wife than for me. I get that with the CalSci.

Silent, ever run that setup with a passenger? I bought my day longs after sitting on yours late last year. Hope you've been well.
Sorry, I fly solo so I can't comment on the back seat. But you're welcome to pop onto the back and I'll buzz ya down the freeway B)

I've used the stock windshield and the Yammy touring with the Sky spacers. My wife is just a bit taller than I am and I'm almost the same height as you, and the same inseam. We've never been able to get the "cone of silence" Although the touring/spacer has helped. I can't trade my wife in for a shorter version because no one else would put up with me.

If you find a combination that you like, let us know. We're still looking.

I other than that, it's a great bike for the two us.

I'm going to do my usual thing and pop in this thread to warn...

DO NOT try to compare windshield effects between Gen-I and Gen-II. They behave very differently with exactly the same shield brand/dimensions.

The thread starter is asking about a Gen-II setup.

I would recommend a CeeBailey +2h/+4w w/flip. The light gray tint is also very nice. My usual passenger will second the recommendation. She's 5'8" and all legs.

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Same shield I have. My offer to chug you or your pillion down the freeway still stands so you can test the Cee Baily +2 +4 flip for yourself.

Marty A, what's method did you use for taking an inch off the top?
If you are asking how I cut it just use paper tape, draw a line parallel to the edge from the center out, use a fine tooth jig saw, then file and sand.

If you are asking how I figured to take 1" off I mounted the shield and it was 1" too high. :rolleyes:

I stand 6'3" but I sit like I'm 5' 14". The CalSci method of measuring and calculating depends on you to guestimate the angle and your line of sight and how you sit on the bike and all that. I was close with my original calculations, just about 1" off.

I am happy with it, but I would like to try one with a flip some day. Sally has no complaints, she is 5' 4". This is my first fancy windscreen so I am not familar with a "cone of silence." I use ear plugs so it is always quiet, until I get orders from the boss through the Starcom...

For the life of me, I cannot understand the relationship between inseam and windshield height.
I agree, when talking about wind screen, your inseam means nothing, if talking about seat hieght thats another story but If you include your inseam and standing hieght then it should give a measure of how high your head is above the seat or in relation to the windscreen. I'm 5'7, 30" inseam. The Yamaha Touring shield works fine for me, I ride solo so no comment on passanger comfort.

For the life of me, I cannot understand the relationship between inseam and windshield height.
I agree, when talking about wind screen, your inseam means nothing, if talking about seat hieght thats another story but If you include your inseam and standing hieght then it should give a measure of how high your head is above the seat or in relation to the windscreen. I'm 5'7, 30" inseam. The Yamaha Touring shield works fine for me, I ride solo so no comment on passanger comfort.
Where did you get your touring screen? Is it taller or wider or both?

For the life of me, I cannot understand the relationship between inseam and windshield height.
I agree, when talking about wind screen, your inseam means nothing, if talking about seat hieght thats another story but If you include your inseam and standing hieght then it should give a measure of how high your head is above the seat or in relation to the windscreen. I'm 5'7, 30" inseam. The Yamaha Touring shield works fine for me, I ride solo so no comment on passanger comfort.
Where did you get your touring screen? Is it taller or wider or both?
I ordered the touring screen from Yamaha dealer when i bought the bike, $90.00, 4 inches taller, 2 inches wider

Silent, we are extremely busy for next few weeks with kids starting school again. Maybe when it cools off and my wife really feels the difference I cn pop her seat on your bike and you can take her down the highway. That way she can see how she likes the shield

Our next big trip is not really planned until next year when we will head off to Colorado. We may do day trips before then but those don't bug her since it is never more than 550 miles in one day. Then rest or hang out and head back. It is the 12 days straight of riding that we want to address.

Silent, we are extremely busy for next few weeks with kids starting school again. Maybe when it cools off and my wife really feels the difference I cn pop her seat on your bike and you can take her down the highway. That way she can see how she likes the shield
Our next big trip is not really planned until next year when we will head off to Colorado. We may do day trips before then but those don't bug her since it is never more than 550 miles in one day. Then rest or hang out and head back. It is the 12 days straight of riding that we want to address.
That or I can just pop my shield on your bike for you to try out. Might be a better solution since our suspensions are surely different. Either way, just shoot me a PM whenever you have the time and desire.
