What's in your tool kit?

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2015
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Raleigh NC
I have a 2005 I bought last year from a guy that only had 14k miles on. It didn't come with the Yamaha tool kit and to be completely honest I just never thought about needing one. It's a Yamaha, these wonders of Japanese engineering just don't fail..

Yeah well that bot me in the ass today. On another post I wrote about a 9 month old battery taking a massive DUMP right at the gas pump. BAM DEAD.

I was fortunate that it happened 1 mile from the office, and one of the guys brought me a few tools which made me the biggest TOOL of the day.

It is clear I need more than my leatherman. So, what do you guys carry in your tool kits? Like most of you, weight is an issue so looking for the essentials.

Leatherman (Check)

Zip Ties (Check)

Tire Plug Kit (Check)

Get one of those power packs that will start your bike 30 times in a row if need be. I have one and won't leave the house without it. It's the size of an iPhone 6 about half inch thick.

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Set of JIS scredrivers or hex-bits, small wrenches in a couple of sizes, tire pressure gauge, pliers. There are a couple of ready-made kits on the market but I've never looked at them. Much easier to figure out which screwdrivers and wrenches you need and buy quality tools as needed. The Yamaha supplied tools are better than nothing and you might find a set for sale on the usual sites.

Here's what the IBA recommends:https://www.ironbutt.com/tech/aow.cfm?AOWID=28
I looked over that list, 25% I don't even know what those tools are. Another 25% of it I wouldn't know really what to do with it. Another 25% of those tools would only help me make the problem worse!! The final 25% will allow me to realize I need to call someone else!

That list is amazing. I want to ride with guys that carry those kind of sets. (I bet Ray and Fitter have a set like that). I know they can tell me what to do to make my bike rideable again. And seriously, that whole list fits into 4x5x11 or whatever it was??

Holy cow, I'm with Cav47, except for the percentages. His are way low. Sticky string kit and Slime pump, enough allen wrenches to get the plastic off down to the battery, just a few more really basic tools. PLUS--first aid kit, some maps, an extra layer for warmth. Longer trip, add rain gear. And always, cell phone, VISA, and a few extra $20's in my money belt.

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"Personally, my preferred tool kit is a cell phone, Triple A membership and credit card."

None of which will do you any good when you're broke down

on a Sunday night in the middle of BFE. Carry tools!

Additionally, three things I never leave without:

Plug kit with air compressor, siphon hose and

jumper cables.

Have needed each in the past, as much for

myself as well as fellow riders.

"Personally, my preferred tool kit is a cell phone, Triple A membership and credit card."
None of which will do you any good when you're broke down

on a Sunday night in the middle of BFE. Carry tools!
Which would suggest that at least a small flashlight would be a good idea and it would provide better lighting than a flashlight program on your cell phone.

ionbeam posted: Which would suggest that at least a small flashlight would be a good idea and it would provide better lighting than a flashlight program on your cell phone.
Yeah, that flashlight app burns down your battery really fast, and then you have no phone.

I've had excellent service from


Only a little bigger than a ballpoint pen, great illumination for its size and good battery life. It's small and light enough that I carry one in my shirt pocket all the time, with a small tire gauge.


ionbeam posted: Which would suggest that at least a small flashlight would be a good idea and it would provide better lighting than a flashlight program on your cell phone.
Yeah, that flashlight app burns down your battery really fast, and then you have no phone.
But if you don't bring any tools, you don't need the flashlight and don't have to worry about running down the phone battery!


Allen wrench set

1 pair vise grips

Strings and air pump

Small roll of electrical tape

Small roll of duct tape

12g wire

zip ties

NRS straps (cinching tie down anything)

First aid kit

Pressure gauge

Gorilla glue stuff in tiny tube

Sig P238

Rag, Lemon Pledge

Baby wipes, duh

Probably more. rarely less.
