What's this hole for?

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
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Chandler, AZ
...Yammy nitrous activation switch? Ejection seat? Drag chute? :lol:

Took it apart and it's just a screw in blank...


It's the four way flashers on my 07.
Thanks! Add this to the list of major, significant, ground-breaking, forward thinking, innovative, performance enhancing, problem solving '07 to '08 changes...my hazzard switch is on the right handlebar.

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On european bikes it is (was!) used for the headlight flash switch.


On european bikes it is (was!) used for the headlight flash switch.
We have a winner!!!!

It ain't no hazard switch, so I am not sure where scubatech is getting that from. It's a blank for the 'flash to pass' switch for the high beams for the european models.

At first I thought the "flash-to-pash" was a gimmick, but after having it for a few years I grew to like it. I found myself hitting it every now and then approaching busy intersections, night passing, and so on.

I wish it was incorporated on all destinations seeing how it would add to the final cost minimally...

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I had two Moto Guzzis and they each had the flash to pass button and I really liked it. In fact, I miss it and out of habit I still find myself reaching for it. I think it was a real attention getter in iffy, "do they really see me", situations. I would like to find out if I can get the Euro button retrofitted to my new USA 07 FJR. Has anyone done it?

BustANut appears to be the proud owner of an ‘08. I guess it either slipped out of the factory with the wrong part, or more likely, Yamaha has standardized the back side of the housing.

It would be interesting to see if anyone could confirm PN interchangeability. Would this be something UMotors could possibly answer…?

I guess finding the OEM momentary switch for the housing would be the next question.

It would be interesting to see if anyone could confirm PN interchangeability. Would this be something UMotors could possibly answer…?
I guess finding the OEM momentary switch for the housing would be the next question.
You need more than the switch. To be functional it would have to include the wiring loom. At last check, it wasn't available in North America.

Some owners have contacts in Europe and have purchases and installed the switch/loom, but I think it was rather expensive. Others have used the blank to install a momentary switch for PTT radio switches and driving light switches....but its rather "tight" inside the housing.

BustANut appears to be the proud owner of an ‘08. I guess it either slipped out of the factory with the wrong part, or more likely, Yamaha has standardized the back side of the housing.
It would be interesting to see if anyone could confirm PN interchangeability. Would this be something UMotors could possibly answer…?

I guess finding the OEM momentary switch for the housing would be the next question.

It'd be a trick spot to put a aux-light on/off if you could locate a weatherproof 2-way rocker small enuf to fit the space that'd handle the load...

my SV650 had this and it was too cool to have, loved using it when crossing dangerous intersections to make sure left-turners had a visual on me.

To be honest the FJR has so much forward cross-section and dual lights, people always act like they see me before I start to worry (they don't creep into intersections initiating a turn etc)

I always thought it would be great to get the flash-to-pass switch and make it a garage door opener.

I always thought it would be great to get the flash-to-pass switch and make it a garage door opener.
That's my thought. But I'd like to use the factory switch. I looked at a parts diagram online and couldn't find the part number. There seems to be a relatively large empty space inside the switch housing, and loading wouldn't be an issue if you wire it to drive an off board relay.

Regarding flash-to-pass...I rented a 1200RT and 1200GS each for a day last year, both had this feature. Maybe it was me, but a couple of times I think drivers interpreted the flashes as "go ahead" signals, and promptly turned left in front of me.

After reading this thread I didn't think anyone in this country would know what that flash to pass crap is. I would think after you pass them they would ride up your ass with the brights on.


We already know that many cagers are brain dead mouth breathers. You've simply found a way of identifying which ones are which.

BustANut appears to be the proud owner of an ‘08. I guess it either slipped out of the factory with the wrong part, or more likely, Yamaha has standardized the back side of the housing.
It would be interesting to see if anyone could confirm PN interchangeability. Would this be something UMotors could possibly answer…?

I guess finding the OEM momentary switch for the housing would be the next question.

It'd be a trick spot to put a aux-light on/off if you could locate a weatherproof 2-way rocker small enuf to fit the space that'd handle the load...
I did use this spot for a aux-light on/off switch. Here is the link to the page.


Yes, the switch would need some wiring tied into the high beam circuit inside that tiny amount of real-estate.

In addition to the flash-lighting, I used it as others are noting with some AutoSwitches purchased from CycleGadget (no affiliation). I liked these as it negated the need to drill another hole or find a sexy waterproof switch.

I had the "single-pulse" driving the auxiliary lights:


I had the "double-pulse" driving the garage door opener:


I wish they would also bring back the high/low beam switch in the bottom left of the cager floor boards...just had to add that bit of drivel to a headlight switch topic.

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Regarding flash-to-pass...I rented a 1200RT and 1200GS each for a day last year, both had this feature. Maybe it was me, but a couple of times I think drivers interpreted the flashes as "go ahead" signals, and promptly turned left in front of me.

Well, drivers are used to giving the short flash to let people in when people are trying to merge, going the same direction. If you're going to use it at cross streets, be sure to hold it as you go thru the intersection. Short flashes means "yes i see you, go ahead." holding it on means "please dont fucking hit me!"

And they said Morse Code is a lost art...

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