What's your favorite Helmet to Helmet communications system?

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2007
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St. George, UT
I took my wife out for a ride the other day and she really loved it. One problem she mentioned that she didn't like was she had no way to communicate with me... I realize that alot of you might not want to be able to hear your pillion but I would like to be able to talk back and forth at times. What I would want from a system is one that plays music and will cancel out with voice activation, cell phone capable, MP3, and use earphones. I really don't think I would want the helmet speakers because my kids like to ride with me too and I would rather they just were some inner ear phones than the helmet speakers. Besides that I think you would have a quieter setup. So I am curious what you have tried and what you like? I don't neccesarily need bluetooth or maybe you do for cell phone?

Starcom from Bike Effects is a good system. Others like Autocom. Jeff at Bike Effects is a forum member, offers a forum discount, and will talk you through anything and everything as it relates to the Starcom.
I took my wife out for a ride the other day and she really loved it. One problem she mentioned that she didn't like was she had no way to communicate with me... I realize that alot of you might not want to be able to hear your pillion but I would like to be able to talk back and forth at times. What I would want from a system is one that plays music and will cancel out with voice activation, cell phone capable, MP3, and use earphones. I really don't think I would want the helmet speakers because my kids like to ride with me too and I would rather they just were some inner ear phones than the helmet speakers. Besides that I think you would have a quieter setup. So I am curious what you have tried and what you like? I don't neccesarily need bluetooth or maybe you do for cell phone?
Probably overkill for what your requirements are, but I just bought, and, am in the process of evaluating/reviewing Collett Communicators full Gen 2 bluetooth units.

So far. *Fantastic*

We are pretty happy with our Scala Q2 Bluetooth set up. Simple and wireless. Built in FM radio....so we run the Ipod w/ an fm sender. Connects to the Zumo & I have my cell phone synched with that.

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Personally, I would stay away from Starcom. Lately there have been too many folks with issues with that system.

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Scala Q2.

What ever you decide to go with it is highly advisable, at least by me, to use ear plugs. I hear many people saying that they are having hard time hearing the system at the speed. I found this problem is easily resolved with a cheap set of ear plugs.

They cancel out the wind and road noise and leave you nothing nut a clear voice or music what ever the case might be.

Wow, I have to say that I am kinda suprised that there are so many different choices used by everyone. I was hoping it would be everyone saying they use a particular one. I must say that I have really been leaning towards the J&M only because I know someone using that system and they are very happy with it. They had a Chatterbox and said they didn't really care for it. I wish there was a way to try each system before I buy but that's not possible. Any other insite would be greatly appreciated for or against any system. Like I said it must be a system that can be used with Ear Phone, and be MP3 compatible with, cell phone, and helmet to helmet communications.....

Personally, I would stay away from Starcom. Lately there have been too many folks with issues with that system.
The issue people are having isn't really a Starcom issue. It's a Zumo issue. People with any other system would have the same problem. The issue is, the Zumo sends all outgoing audio to the communication device (Starcom, Autocom, whatever). Thus, when using the cell phone when the VOX is set up, once the person starts to talk, the audio gets cut off. The Starcom is working as it's supposed to. The problem is, the Zumo is sending BOTH the audio that people want muted AND the cell phone audio on the same channel so it gets muted too. EVERY system that the Zumo hooks into will do this.

The solution is to not have the cell phone run through the Zumo.

Since this fire fighter doesn't list getting a Zumo, this won't be an issue for him. If he does get a Zumo, ANY communication system will suffer the same problems.

The Starcom works equally as well as the Autocom, but for much less $$$, especially when you consider Jeff's forum discount.

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Another vote for Starcom1. Comes with all the wiring you'll need. Basically plug and play.

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Personally, I would stay away from Starcom. Lately there have been too many folks with issues with that system.
The issue people are having isn't really a Starcom issue. It's a Zumo issue. People with any other system would have the same problem. The issue is, the Zumo sends all outgoing audio to the communication device (Starcom, Autocom, whatever). Thus, when using the cell phone when the VOX is set up, once the person starts to talk, the audio gets cut off. The Starcom is working as it's supposed to. The problem is, the Zumo is sending BOTH the audio that people want muted AND the cell phone audio on the same channel so it gets muted too. EVERY system that the Zumo hooks into will do this.

The solution is to not have the cell phone run through the Zumo.

Since this fire fighter doesn't list getting a Zumo, this won't be an issue for him. If he does get a Zumo, ANY communication system will suffer the same problems.

The Starcom works equally as well as the Autocom, but for much less $$$, especially when you consider Jeff's forum discount.
I believe an easy solution is Starcom's Bluetooth module. This seperates the phone from Zumo (loosing the Zumo's phone functions). I currently run my phone through the Starcom BT module, which takes precedence over all other communications, if plugged into the "Phone" jack on the Starcom. If the Zumo is playing music, giving directions, etc, it will be muted by an incoming call. Thus, phone calls are never muted.

Just got off the Phone with Jeff from BikeEffects. Great guy and I did end up buying the Starcom from him. I hope it's as great as everyone thinks it is. Then again I have never owned anything else so I won't have anything to comare it to......

Personally, I would stay away from Starcom. Lately there have been too many folks with issues with that system.

Not me. I love my Starcom system.

If we're reading the same posts, those "issues" are user error, IMO.

Curious, How are you using your system and which system do you have? It seems like alot of people have praise for the system but seldom if ever use it two up. I've had no problems using it as a device to play my Ipod, Zumo or listen to XM thru, but as a device to communicate with a pillion, it has not worked well for me. Way to much wind noise. Could be my windshield is to short and I'm to tall, don't know. I've tried mic placement, mic replacement, changing the limited amounts of settings available with the digital system, nothing has gotten it to work the way is advertised. I'm now going to try a much larger windshield. If you have any suggestions as to how I can get rid of my user error issues, I'm all ears.

Just got off the Phone with Jeff from BikeEffects. Great guy and I did end up buying the Starcom from him. I hope it's as great as everyone thinks it is. Then again I have never owned anything else so I won't have anything to comare it to......

Im in Palmdale. When you get it installed, If your happy with how it works I would love to mimic your setup.

MMarsh, have you tried to adjust the mic sensitivity? That was what fixed it for me.

If you come to NAFO, I'll help you adjust it.

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Personally, I would stay away from Starcom. Lately there have been too many folks with issues with that system.

Not me. I love my Starcom system.

If we're reading the same posts, those "issues" are user error, IMO.

Curious, How are you using your system and which system do you have? It seems like alot of people have praise for the system but seldom if ever use it two up. I've had no problems using it as a device to play my Ipod, Zumo or listen to XM thru, but as a device to communicate with a pillion, it has not worked well for me. Way to much wind noise. Could be my windshield is to short and I'm to tall, don't know. I've tried mic placement, mic replacement, changing the limited amounts of settings available with the digital system, nothing has gotten it to work the way is advertised. I'm now going to try a much larger windshield. If you have any suggestions as to how I can get rid of my user error issues, I'm all ears.
Aside from the taller windscreen (which you do need), try turning your Mic Gain settings down. I run Rider @ 40% and Passenger @ 25%. This minimized wind noise in the speakers, and made 2-up communication much easier for me.
