Which Cell phone do you like with your Starcom?

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2007
Reaction score
St. George, UT
I ruined my Cell phone today on a Structure fire so I need to replace it. Verizon is my provider. I have been using an LG with my Starcom and haven't really liked it. For one the starcom plug does not fit well in the phone. I have to hold it in with a rubber band. Also I hear people fine but they can't hear me. This part might just be an adjustment on the Starcom Advanced. What Verizon based phone do you use and like that seems to work well?

I lost my phone out of my pocket in Golden Colorado. All was well til several cars ran over it. I too have Verizon and replaced my LG with the new Boulder phone. Love the phone but I was NOT able to link it with the Zumo using the bluetooth feature. Maybe the Zumo needed a new update, that I didnt try yet.

My Idea on buying the Boulder phone was that it had good features for our sport. Water resistant, shock resistant, Blue tooth, GPS Navagation, Camera phone, and has the Walkie Talkie feature AKA: PTT, push to talk. If several guys got the phone and went riding they could use the PTT feature and link up everyone on their ride. Then, it would not matter how far away everyone is when trying to meet up at a distant location. The whole USA would in effect be linked up at the push of the button with everyone in the group. Think of it...California riders could be enroute to WFO-X and the Washington guys could hear what was going on too, for example. The phone allows for max of 50 riders to be linked up. Wouldnt it be cool if the blue tooth feature could be linked up thru a Zumo and plugged into the helmet earphones. We could put the phone in the front pocket of our riding jackets and push one button and talk to eachother no matter what state we were going to. Cool feature for $5 per month.

Check out the Boulder at Verizon.

