which frame sliders

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May 1, 2008
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
as topic and description states which ones? Are the motovation ones worth twice the price of the TRex? I know its a smart purchase and it will save me considerable funds in the event of an accident, but I don't want to spend more money unnecessarily.

Thanks in advance,


I would like the answer to those questions too. I'm not familar with the different brands. I would like to know if "sliders" are worth the money at all? Do they protect the body work in a tip over? Or do they protect in a slide too?

Ease up.....some dude named "no one" is developing crash bars...which will defeat the purpose of sliders. I'd personally say, "hold up". I've yet to check these bars out...but, I'm definatelly interested.

Interesting that this thread would popup today. I am installing a pair of no cut motivation sliders. I notice that the left side fairing is contacting the bracket resulting in a 1/4 inch gap between the the fairing and the frame (down by where you knees would be). is there something i did wrong???

Actually, i could take out the original washers and that would reduce the clearance of the bracket with the frame and give me a bit more space, but the instructions clearly indicate that these should be left in

EDIT: spoke with the guys at motivation, removing the origonal washers is ok. it solved about half the problem. Turns out that there were three hex-button bolts that were missing from that side up near the headlight. so when I broke that side down i decided to take some of the easy to reach ones and use them there until the ones i ordered showed up. Well when I put those in it was pulling the cowling out of alignment. the fix was easy enough. put a spacer between the top piece and the glove box (oddly enough, its all about "english") which corrected it all.


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Motovation sliders for me. About $80 which seems to be less than what someone here says he paid for the Trex. I have an 07... slider installed quickly and fit fine. If your fit isn't correct then maybe they sent you the incorrect fit.

I think the decision to fork out a handful of cash for a set of sliders should be partially based on whether you have insurance or not and how much coverage you pay for. If your bike falls over in the driveway, the sliders will not help your side bags if you have them on. I doubt very much if they will help protecting much of any part in a tip-over. The side panels on the FJR are all one piece, so it doesn’t matter if only the bottom or top half gets screwed up, you’ll have to replace the whole piece.

In the event of an accident, the sliders [might] keep the bike from “digging in” and causing you to flip over and over. But in the event of a crash, in that split-second prior to hitting an object or the ground, generally the last concern on your mind is the bike and all you want to do is separate yourself from it anyway. So if your repair bill is say, $2600 and the sliders saved you an additional $300 in damage, you’re stuck paying whatever your deductible you have, plus whatever you paid for the sliders in the first place. Whether they protect your bike or not is pretty much a mute point. By buying them, do you think you’ll get a cut-rate on your insurance premium!

By your own writing, it sounds like there’ll may be better things you’d like to spend your money on at the moment. Although the ultimate choice is entirely up to you, the cost you quoted seems to indicate someone is getting rich. I would rather have a small [case-saver] type crash-bar for both the front and rear of the bike, kind of like the Gold Wing (has or had) that looks clean but sticks out just far enough to protect the vitals.

Of course with this comment I can only expect to be vigorously chastised.

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Motovation sliders for me. About $80 which seems to be less than what someone here says he paid for the Trex. I have an 07... slider installed quickly and fit fine. If your fit isn't correct then maybe they sent you the incorrect fit.
Gen1 frame sliders need a bracket on each side for the frame slider to mount to, plus bolts, spacers, etc. The Gen2 sliders bolt right to the frame. So you paid $80 for a pair of $35-$50 frame sliders, cool.

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I think the decision to fork out a handful of cash for a set of sliders should be partially based on whether you have insurance or not and how much coverage you pay for. If your bike falls over in the driveway, the sliders will not help your side bags if you have them on. I doubt very much if they will help protecting much of any part in a tip-over. The side panels on the FJR are all one piece, so it doesn’t matter if only the bottom or top half gets screwed up, you’ll have to replace the whole piece.In the event of an accident, the sliders [might] keep the bike from “digging in” and causing you to flip over and over. But in the event of a crash, in that split-second prior to hitting an object or the ground, generally the last concern on your mind is the bike and all you want to do is separate yourself from it anyway. So if your repair bill is say, $2600 and the sliders saved you an additional $300 in damage, you’re stuck paying whatever your deductible you have, plus whatever you paid for the sliders in the first place. Whether they protect your bike or not is pretty much a mute point. By buying them, do you think you’ll get a cut-rate on your insurance premium!

By your own writing, it sounds like there’ll may be better things you’d like to spend your money on at the moment. Although the ultimate choice is entirely up to you, the cost you quoted seems to indicate someone is getting rich. I would rather have a small [case-saver] type crash-bar for both the front and rear of the bike, kind of like the Gold Wing (has or had) that looks clean but sticks out just far enough to protect the vitals.

Of course with this comment I can only expect to be vigorously chastised.
Yeah Shame on you!! :) actually the FJR has two cowling panels on each side and the two of them are about 900 bucks. sliders will protect one or both but only in the perfect lowside. But real value in my opinion is that when you lowside you are going to keep the frame and extranious motor parts off the ground. A damaged frame is a totaled bike in this world. 200 bucks to avoid that is reasonable. if you lowside at 40 without them your bike is totaled most likely. All that said many people will tell you that they have lowsided and not had significant damage to the cowling.

Youre right though its a matter of choice

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Motovation sliders for me. About $80 which seems to be less than what someone here says he paid for the Trex. I have an 07... slider installed quickly and fit fine. If your fit isn't correct then maybe they sent you the incorrect fit.
Na it wasnt the wrong parts, i confirmed the spacers and bracket were for the FJR G1. the problem was (me's thinks) that the subframe is a little out of square. it was easy enought to fix by finding a position to pull the frame from and morph it back then finding a point underneath to slip a spacer in to replicate the pull. took about an hour of looking pulling and beer drinking before i found the perfect preasure point.


I put the Motovation sliders on my 08. They went on perfectly and haven't loosened in 5k miles so I was pleased with them even though they are higher than others. I put them on because I damn near dropped the bike when new in the garage. But I think we all need to re-read the comment from Big-D. I think that's the most common sense approach to sliders that I've read for awhile. They are likely not to help in most cases. I too wish for something that would help in case of dropping the bike a zero or very low speed. High speed - I just want to see daylight the next day. I don't care about the bike in that case.
