Whistling Feejer.....what could it be?

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Nov 26, 2012
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Since I am new to the FJR I figured it might be best to inquire about this here. Anyway today I noticed a slight but distinct higher frequency whine or whistling noise coming from just under the triple tree. It is obviously coming from the engine or a component attached to the engine anyway but it is most notable when you put your ear down near the forks by the top triple clamp. It is less noticeable on either side. I didn't notice this noise until today so I think it is new or my hearing has improved today..... :D only happens when she is running and immediately stops when turned off. I am wondering if I have a vacuum leak or something near the air box causing it. That seams to be my best guess as to where it is coming from. Anyone have something similar occur, any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

Search is your friend. Try whistling site:fjrforum.com at Google. Variety of "whistling" perceptions with a variety of reasons. Two or three popular ones.

+1 on what Ignacio says.

When ya type in... site:fjrforum.com you can add any search word/words to it when doing a google search. You'll be amazed what cha come up with. In my case, what I thought was a whistling noise turned out to be the normal gear whine that comes from the engine when it's running. The forum explained that if the pitch of the "whistling noise" changed w/engine rpms, it's normal. Now it's just part of the symphony I expect to hear whenever I'm riding.


darksider #44

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+1 on the above.

Mine has been 'whistling' happily since I got it.

I would go with 'your hearing just improved' - twisting the throttle in low gears tends to eject ear wax.

However, it is a common concern https://www.fjrforum.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=107922 but, IMHO, nothing to worry about.


Thanks for the search tips and I am leaning that it just might be a new engine noise I just didn't notice before is all. It seems to be running just fine, pulling like a freight train....

Yep, if new FJR to you, just about bet it is normal gear whine. wonderful sound.

Gear whine, Remus Hexicones, modded air box.... Me likes the sounds me feejer makes.
