Who Needs A Tire Changer?

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Roseburg, OR
I needed to get my group buy Pilot Roads mounted for my vacation/ride next week, and was going through my semi-annual angst

over who to let charge me a fortune to scratch my rims, and guilt over STILL not having my own set-up to change tires.

I wouldn't let my local Yammie dealer put air in my tires.

(He recently moved his YamaHonZuki "dealership" to the next town, because this town won't renew the business license of a convicted felon;

Selling stolen MC parts on EBay.)

I mentioned this dilemma to my friend at work who rides a Road King. He told me about a local HD mechanic who opened an independent shop.

I took my tires and wheels to his shop and was pleasantly surprised to find a clean, well-equipped, one-man shop.

After introducing myself and giving him my "reference", (friends bike was there at the time), he said, "I don't usually work on Japanese bikes, but sure, I'll mount them for you."

I asked how long, and he said "Well, I have several Harleys in front of you." (Uh-Oh, I won't see these for a few days.)

"I won't be able to have them done until this afternoon." (This is looking good.)

"How much for both?"

"Well, my shop rate is $60 an hour" (Here it come$) "Probably $30"

He mounted and spin-balanced both for $20. (Rear took 1oz, front took 1/4 oz , nice)

Last time, I spent $60 for gouged rims and bent brake rotors. (That's another story.)

As I was leaving, I thanked him for making an exception to his Harley Only rule, and he smiled and said:

"Just don't tell anybody I worked on a Jap bike."
