Who's In Va

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Stafford, VA
Although I mostly like to either alone or with my wife on the back, there are times I'd like to ride with other FJR riders to talk experiences, etc with the FJR, again, it'd be nice with drivers only and with pillions at other times. I live in Stafford, VA (N VA). How many folks are within a reasonable distance of meeting somewhere in VA?

Hi Jim, Heidi Young here. I'm in Norfolk & make it out into the twisty bits every month or two. There are also two more pilots (that I know of) in my immediate area... Jeff Dean (ridgerunner) & Joe Prentiss (jprentiss). David Gilley (glxy5) is in Roanoke & there are a couple of pilots fairly close to you. I believe that smthng (Jonathan), Gary (toophast) & another gentleman named Jim (patent1) are fairly close to you. Keep a post up for 'em to see. I'm sure they will chime in at some point.



Thanks for the info - you seem to be pretty well plugged in with the folks in VA. FYI, there's another 05 owner who lives in Stafford and maybe one more.

Thanks again.


Another '05, huh? Hmmm, can't remeber where Gary told me he was from. For all that I know, that may have been him.

Also, I already knew Jeff & Joe but I met people outside of my immediate area because I attended the Eastern Owners Meeting this past September. Sounds like you didn't go. You sure as hell missed a killer time!

If interested in attending a future EOM keep an eye open for the '06 meet. There's a thread about next year's locale under "FJR Regional Meets" in the EOM section.

So, have a nice weekend Jim. Nice to meet ya'.


Jim, I live in Annandale, Virginia not too far away from Stafford. Smthng (Jonathan) lives about a mile from me. Maybe we could get a flight of FJRs together for some twisties before the snow flies.


P.S.: Hey, Heidi, good to see you!

Folks, I live in VA as well. I actually live in Christiansburg, which is in the southwest and in close proximity to Roanoke, where galxy5 (David Gilley) lives. Dave and I never met officially but the other Sunday I saw him riding on the BRP. He wasn't hard to spot with the flame-job on the blue bike.

Looks like there are quite a few Virginians scattered around. I wanted to go to the EOM last month but wasn't able to. So I am planning on doing that next year. Hope to meet some of you before that.


yes,, flame job on my Feejer,,

I have been mulling over the idea of starting a Virginia FJR Riders Group ,,

anyone interested ???

Fire? Did someone say Fire... where's the fire? oh never mind I'll just ride like I'm going to a fire..... :eek:

Toophast here (Gary Jones) I live in Charlottesville and Waynesboro (my house C'ville, fiancees house Waynesboro) we live together in different houses. :D

A Virginia FJR Riders Group sounds like it would be a good thing. :clap:

I've just been commuting back and forth with no real "riding" (read: burning it up) since EOM. :huh: I think it would be great to have a little get together (if my schedule will allow it).

How does a riders group go about being set up anyway??

That is what we Minnesotans have done, though rather informally. Mostly because riders from other states shun us, as if we were somehow different. This makes me sad. Oh, do any of you folks swim nude in the Great Lakes in January too?

Seems like we've got some interest here. How about we plan on meeting some Sat morning at a "central" location? How about Charlottesville?? How about 3 Dec?

Seems like we've got some interest here. How about we plan on meeting some Sat morning at a "central" location? How about Charlottesville?? How about 3 Dec?
Jim, that almost sounds good... the problem being... I am a good 4 to 4.5 hours from Charlottesville. For me to meet you guys in the morning I'd have to be leaving my place at o'dark-thirty.

I'm planning an overnight run Thanksgiving Day weekend. Not sure where I'm headed, yet... but for sure it'll be in the mountains. My buddy Jeff isn't sure if he can go & probably won't know until the last minute.

If he fails to go I'm probably going to a friend who lives on the outskirts of Charlottesville (I think that it's Gordonsville... or something like that). I promised her a ride some time ago & haven't gotten around to doing it, yet. We'll probably head out on the BRP or Skyline Dr.... one of the two.

And like I said, my plan for Charlottesville isn't definite.

If Jeff goes well probably head into WV.

If I don't speak with ya'll, have a good holiday.


Seems like we've got some interest here.  How about we plan on meeting some Sat morning at a "central" location?  How about Charlottesville?? How about 3 Dec?
Dec. 3 works for me (as does Charlottesville-or another location) :clap: :clap:

Hi fellow Virginians --- somehow have missed this section on the sight -- am in Virginia Beach and have 05. Have not seen another FJR since I've owned mine (3/05). If ever a Virginia meeting please let me know -- would love to participate. I love this ride -- just frustrating sometimes as no others are into this type of ride (far too many HD folks around..... :lol: Cheers, Jay
