Why do so many people post in the wrong section?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Oh, hey Matt? When'd you change your last name to 'Org'? :dntknw: Eh, never mind. I'll give you a jungle to discuss. Party line anyone?
I would have changed it to .com but some British fucker with a prediliction for Butt Head won't let it go. I have this aka of .net and .us though.

Oh, hey Matt? When'd you change your last name to 'Org'? :dntknw: Eh, never mind. I'll give you a jungle to discuss. Party line anyone?
I would have changed it to .com but some British fucker with a prediliction for Butt Head won't let it go. I have this aka of .net and .us though.
You guys are getting off topic here. :tease:

The first question that comes to mind is how anal are the admins being about topics and moving threads? If it bolts to a FJR and it's a part, it's FJR specific. I don't really care if it will bolt to another bike too, we're still talking about it relative to FJRs. Is there really a moral obligation to move it to parts and accessories?

As was already said, less is more. There's far too much clutter here already. More sections is just digital masturbation.

Second question - when you move a thread, do you notify the originator? If not, expect more threads in the wrong catagory. Don't expect them to notice you moved it.

And while we're completly off topic, when you lock a thread, how about a quick note at the end of the thread saying why? Sure, sometimes it's painfully obvious, but other times it's sort of a WTF?

Anal? Admin perogative my friend. Finding a happy balance for hundreds and hundreds of personalities is rarely cut and dired. Similar thing to bottom and top posting in e-mail threads. Do as the locals do I think.

If it's a part....it sure is FJR Specific, but it's more correct to be in Parts and Accessories. We've seen more than enough traffic to make the separation. Certainly not moral obligation, just a forum obligation.

As for clutter, it's a balance too. We have some people that want threads for each of the 50 states and some that want just one like three threads. We're probably closer to the happy medium than not. View New Posts is probably the single best answer to it all....that and expecting people to put a true summary of the thread in the title.

As for moving threads sometimes we will just move it...especially if it's brand new and not replied to thread. Other times move with a link. I think a move link adds to the clutter we abhor. And, no way I'm gonna send a PM for one post misplacement. I've got better things to do...like wading through e-mails on the other venue ;)

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I think I am going to post a "toilet" thread in the software section and see how it pans out.

The admins are NOT being anal. They are keeping it organized, which is required for growth and more important as time goes on.

I'm sure the admins already know...but you will never please everyone. No matter WHAT you do, people will complain.

Keep on keeping on and do what you guys feel is best. Let people bitch as they wish.

Personally, my opinion is my own and holds no sway here. I'm not an admin, nor do I have anything to do with the running of the forum. I agree completely that it's Slap's ball and he can do what he feels is best.

That said, the main separations for the General Motorcycle Forums section are:

FJR Specific Discussion


Other Bike / Bike-related Discussions

Completely Off-topic Discussions

Motorcycle Racing

Never-Ending Pointless Recurring Threads, (NEPRT)

I think I'm not alone when I say that I rarely go to the other sections or the general moto forum and generally just hang out on the FJR Specific Discussion area, except when something in the View New Posts catches my eye. To say that a part for the FJR must be discussed in the FJR Technical Forums under Parts and Accessories, even if it's not a technical discussion is nit-picking IMHO.

Frankly, the FJR technical forum should fall within the FJR Specific forum, not be a completely different area of the site. It should be obvious that any FJR technical discussion is FJR Specific. Hell, the main headings are really not appropriate to begin with. General Motorcycle Forum? I think not Slap! I tell you the FJR Specific section is NOT "general" at all.

I sincerely appreciate all your hard work here Slap. Really I do. (and the Admins too) But lets face it, you screwed up. If you want to complain about us not posting where you want us to, that's fine. But I'm calling that fair game to complain about your poor organizational skills too.

The first section, FJR Forum, should include the following items:

Board Information

FJR Specific Forums

General Motorcycle Forums

Non FJR Technical Forums

Ride Reports

Capitalism & Bartering


Within the FJR Specific Forums section should be:

General FJR Discussion

FJR Farkle Discussion

FJR Technical Discussion/Mechanical Problems

FAQs and Common Historical Info

Note that I left Parts and Accessories off that list. "Parts and goodies for the FJR including apparel" Including apparel??!?!?!? What were you smoking when you typed that? Apparel is not FJR specific by any stretch of the imagination. Parts and 'goodies' are Farkles. Giving farkles it's own heading leads all those discussions to the correct area of the forum to begin with. Solving much of your stress about moving theads. Throw a Riding Gear Discussion section up under the General Motorcycle Forums area where it belongs.

Your current offering under FJR Technical Forums is redundant and cluttered. It leads people into mis-posting things. Technical Discussions suggestes Discussions about farkles and working on the bike. Then later under Technical/Mechanical Problems it suggests Technical discussion about the FJR and problems you're trying to fix. Hello! These are redundant. Don't argue, just pay attention dude. Working on the bike is the same as fixing the bike. "Fix" doesn't always equate "broken". Farkles OTOH, are a little different, they deserve their own focus and own section. Both of your current headings suggest Technical discussions, which leads people to wonder which area might be better for their topic. Oh sure, you say the first is for farkle discussions, but hey hoser, you didn't label it that way on the main topic heading, you just said "Technical Discussion". Ya think we're gonna read the fine print? :lol: You don't need, and there should not be, two sections labled for Technical discussions. Only one is necessary. The Topic Titles will self sort threads after that.

Bottom line, if you separate the areas well, the posters will find the 'correct' area to post more easily. Will you never have to move threads? Oh hell no! People will always screw up now and then, we're only bikers after all. :D

This post is meant to be constructive criticism, not a bitch slapping session Slap. Take it that way and make changes. Consider what I've suggested. I'm certainly not saying I have all the answers or that all my suggestions are the only way to go. I am suggesting you think about the way you have it and what I've offered to you. It will help point people to the right area and make it easier to find things. It clearly separates FJR discussions from general ones, something that is sorely lacking now.

As for the rest of you, if you have a point to offer, or make, please do. If you just want to flame me for criticizing Slapnpop, do it in a PM.


Anyway, I have an opinion (for a change :lol: ).

I think videos about China ought to go in the Completely Off-Topic section even though they're videos, and reserve Photos and Videos to be involving an FJR. JMTCW....


Don't change it now. I am finally starting to learning where to post what. I would have to start all over again. :wacko:

Personally, my opinion is my own and holds no sway here. I'm not an admin, nor do I have anything to do with the running of the forum. I agree completely that it's Slap's ball and he can do what he feels is best.
You should have stopped there. :(

To that extremely wordy post, I will simply say - I disagree.

And note I didn't throw out any zingers like, "What were you smoking when you typed that steaming pile of dung?", or "you screwed up", "don't argue, just pay attention dude". Really Eric, your soapbox gets far too much use.

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I liked my rebuttal better.
I liked yours better too ODOT. Better snippage and much more direct. ;)

Skooter, thanks for trimming the quoted section down.

Wordy? Yeah, ok you got me there. No arguement.

Read the end again. You're not Slapnpop, but it still applies. Consider the ideas.

As to the zingers, Slaps a big boy and he can take it. Apparel is not a part, and I'll argue that it's only a bike accessory to a salesman. :p

My soapbox gets used too much? Long post yes. Check your post count and mine and think about me using my soapbox too much again guy. I've been real quiet lately too.

Hows that collarbone doing?

You know...if we can be forgiving (at least for a moment) and set aside personalities, this.....

The first section, FJR Forum, should include the following items:
Board Information

FJR Specific Forums

General Motorcycle Forums

Non FJR Technical Forums

Ride Reports

Capitalism & Bartering


Within the FJR Specific Forums section should be:

General FJR Discussion

FJR Farkle Discussion

FJR Technical Discussion/Mechanical Problems

FAQs and Common Historical Info
........isn't a bad framework from which to operate.

Yes, there would be a learning curve for those of us who are used to the current forum and are resistant to change. But it might improve board management in the long run and ease the load on the admins (assuming the forum is going to continue its growth).

Then again, it might be difficult to rearrange and that extra time and effort may not be worth it. At least this part of the post is very constructive.

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Forgiving? I don't forgive anything that doesn't bother me........only thing is.....nothing bothers me. oh......snippage can be fun.
