why is it different places get different bikes

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Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Renmark South Australia
why is it that the same manufacturers can consign the same bikes but different colours around the world . Or have different horse power ratings around the world. but then the question of models as well here in Australia we have had the XJR Yamaha earlier as a 1200 then as a 1300 A great sport tourer (chain drive ) with heaps of bottom and mid range grunt fair fuel econemy. But it hasnt been released in the states. Why i dont know. But it sometimes make finding parts hard for some bikes .And it seems our models of sports bikes are up by around 13 horse power to the ones you guys get in the states. I am just wondering . So if anyone has any ideas put them forward Muttley

I would say the biggest difference is probably how they test it. The only other thing I can think of is that the fuel quality is higher in most parts of Australia compared to America, and Japan compared to Australia.

Fuel here is terrible. The only place I know in Australia that runs bad fuel like we have here is Queensland, which runs 87 RON a biofuel blend.

Of course, this is just a guess.

RE: different colours, no idea. I wish they had released several 750cc models over here though; I'd love to get my hand on a Kwaka Z750 for a play toy.

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why is it that the same manufacturers can consign the same bikes but different colours around the world . ...But it hasnt been released in the states. Why i dont know. ...I am just wondering . So if anyone has any ideas put them forward Muttley
I think Yamaha offers all of (everyone of) the 'Star' model line of cruisers in every color with every option in the U.S.A.?

Cruisers are pretty much all that sells in any volume, here. Those other bikes (like you're talking about) just aren't too popular in America anymore -- where Harley Davidson is/was the number one seller.

It's too bad -- but, it's the reality we have to live with.... :(
