wind noise/windscreen options

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Nov 24, 2005
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Santa Barbara, CA

I am 5' 9", have the stock seat, and I originally bought with the bike the Yamaha extended windscreen. But the buffetting noise is kind of driving me insane. I think I may even go back to the stock windshield. I don't like having a windscreen I have to look through, and unless a windscreen is REALLY high, you just end up with wind hitting the mid/top level of your helmet, creating a loud buffetting noise.

I've been experimenting and I noticed with the windscreen DOWN all the way, if I stand UP, the wind hits me at high-chest level and wind noise is actually lower than if I sit down.

Many folks seem to think a larger/higher wind screen cuts noise, but I'm starting to think that that's not true. I rode a couple Intruder 1400's with LOUD pipes (before I came to my Sport Touring senses) and I could hear my custom molded headphones BETTER on that bike than with the quiet FJR (the Intruder with NO windscreen!).

So I am wondering if anyone agrees with this premise, and if they can recommend a windshield that is either 1) really good at flipping the air up over your head or 2) or a good smaller-sized windshield that brings a clean flow of air at shoulder/chest height, past the helmet with reduced noise. I do very long rides sometimes - from California to Canada, Colorado, Hyder Alaska etc. - so I do want something that provides SOME protection against cold/rain, in those cases when the shield is raised to full height.

Anyone experienced this and can recommend any good wind-tunnel tested/developed shields?


I am 5' 9", have the stock seat, and I originally bought with the bike the Yamaha extended windscreen. But the buffetting noise is kind of driving me insane. I think I may even go back to the stock windshield. I don't like having a windscreen I have to look through, and unless a windscreen is REALLY high, you just end up with wind hitting the mid/top level of your helmet, creating a loud buffetting noise.

I've been experimenting and I noticed with the windscreen DOWN all the way, if I stand UP, the wind hits me at high-chest level and wind noise is actually lower than if I sit down.

Many folks seem to think a larger/higher wind screen cuts noise, but I'm starting to think that that's not true. I rode a couple Intruder 1400's with LOUD pipes (before I came to my Sport Touring senses) and I could hear my custom molded headphones BETTER on that bike than with the quiet FJR (the Intruder with NO windscreen!).

So I am wondering if anyone agrees with this premise, and if they can recommend a windshield that is either 1) really good at flipping the air up over your head or 2) or a good smaller-sized windshield that brings a clean flow of air at shoulder/chest height, past the helmet with reduced noise. I do very long rides sometimes - from California to Canada, Colorado, Hyder Alaska etc. - so I do want something that provides SOME protection against cold/rain, in those cases when the shield is raised to full height.

Anyone experienced this and can recommend any good wind-tunnel tested/developed shields?

You could probably find an '03 windshield for cheap to try. It was shorter than the '04 and '05. I almost always run with my windshield all of the way down.

You could probably find an '03 windshield for cheap to try. It was shorter than the '04 and '05. I almost always run with my windshield all of the way down.
Really? That's wierd - does anyone out there have one they want to part with?

Does anyone who has ridden both can comment on the differences?


I use Skyway's Windshield Spacers to "tilt" my windshield back. This lowers the top edge of the 'shield, so shen all the way down they allow wind over the top of the shield and also air between the nosepiece and the windshield. I can still raise the 'shield for inclement weather.

Try a California Scientific size small windshield.

I'm 6'5"" and the large size is almost too big for me. The cut outs in the windshield really reduces the wind noise and buffeting compared to a stock windshield or my Cee Bailey +4 tall, + 3 Wide. It's not perfect, but about as close as you'll get. Your helmet is also a big factor in the buffeting / wind noise. I traded my noisy HJC helmet for a much quieter Shoei TZR. However, with the top vent open the TZR is still kinda noisy.

Try a California Scientific size small windshield.
I'm 6'5"" and the large size is almost too big for me. The cut outs in the windshield really reduces the wind noise and buffeting compared to a stock windshield or my Cee Bailey +4 tall, + 3 Wide. It's not perfect, but about as close as you'll get. Your helmet is also a big factor in the buffeting / wind noise. I traded my noisy HJC helmet for a much quieter Shoei TZR. However, with the top vent open the TZR is still kinda noisy.

+1 on the Helmet, I also have a Cal Sci (medium). The helmet change made the most difference in noise and buffeting!

go to the local hardware store buy some metal washers and start with 4 on each side . go for a ride and go from there . very easy to disasamble the windscreen . i forgot the person who posted it 2 years ago but its works

I have a CalSci +3.5" and found out something I never thought of. The other day here in Michigan it was near 80deg. I had the screen down and found it quite toasty. I felt the air over the tank it I could feel the heat rising up from the sides. The air from the vent on the screen was flowing up the inside of the screen and sucking the heat up from the engine. I raised the screen slightly and I could feel the air flow from the vent come across the tank. Heat was gone and I still had air flow onto my helmet. I never thougght the sreen down would draw up so much heat.

I have been on the quest for the perfect windshield since i got my 05 in November. I am currently waiting for screens 7-8-9 to arrive for there test.

My favorite so far is

2inch tall Yamaha screen with Ian's spacers. [still have]

Screens i have tried are

+4 tall +2 wide Cee Bailey with Flip that was a nice screen till i tried to shorten it. [trashed]

V-Stream hated it [sold it]

Stock too short [sold it]

+2+2 cee baily with flip too short [still have]

Cal sci didn't like the turbulance [sold it]

I guess the only way to find the perfect one is to try them all :rolleyes:


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