Wind screens

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
Lockeford, CA
Does anybody have any experience with either the rifle or v stream, looking for less wind noise around helmet

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Mikey, you are such a nice gentleman.

Does anybody have any experience with either the rifle or v stream, looking for less wind noise around helmet
I just put on a V-Stream a week ago. 6'3" tall and it completely changes the airflow around me. Even fully down there's less and "different sounding" air and at full up, I could almost smoke a cigar, there's so little airflow. :)

I have the V-stream and it works well and looks good too.Ed :D

Stock I always ran full up and had a lot of helmet buffeting. V-Stream I run down in very hot weather to get the cooling. Otherwise, I run it half up and the width at the top keeps the wind from buffetting my shoulders and head (just high enough to see over the top of it). For ultra quiet, if you do not mind looking through it, run it all the way up.

My Vstream is my winter shield. The stock shield has horrible turbulance, but the vstream is smooth and keeps me warm in the winter. For summer use, I have a Cee Bailey +2 high with flip. The CB allows more airflow for cooling, but also gives me that smooth air pocket when raised. No experience with the Rifle. BTW, I'm 5'11" with 32" inseam.

Too bad that the V looks like hind parts.

I just put a V-steam on yesterday, and it makes a world of difference over the stocker. although it was a bit on the warm side.

No wind-noise, turbulence or back pressure whatsoever.

But it's biiiig.

Intention is to use it as my winter shield, and keep the stocker with a Laminar Lip for summer use.

Got the V-stream here for around $130 shipped to my door in three days.

Wow, thanks to all for the great input! I'll be making a purchase some time after the trip to Laguna Seca. Leaning towards the rifle but am intrigued by the Vstream, seams like either way will be an improvement over stock. Thnks to all again!!!! :yahoo:

Wow, thanks to all for the great input! I'll be making a purchase some time after the trip to Laguna Seca. Leaning towards the rifle but am intrigued by the Vstream, seams like either way will be an improvement over stock. Thnks to all again!!!! :yahoo:
I presently use the rifle. I'm 5"11 with a 33 inch inseam (so I guess that leaves for a 38 inch tall torso). The rifle is great in it's lowest position, but buffets for me pretty well with or without the tuning block when raised anything greater than the lower 20% of the range of travel.

Considering a cal-sci......

I have v-stream and like it. I like it because it is wider than most of the other shields out there. Its a little noisy though.


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I use a V-stream on my Gen1 for a winter shield. It's really big and not the best looking, but I can ride w/o earplugs, which I really like. I have to take it off for summer use, as it just doesn't allow enough air for cooling.

So it's earplugs and either a Givi or cut down stock shield for hot weather and the V-stream and vstrom handguards for cooler temps.
