Windshield Screws

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formerly Renegade, get used to it.
Jul 6, 2006
Reaction score
Trenton, OH
All Right... So a few of us donated a screw so that someone could put their screen back on after they popped it off at EOM.

I *thought* I had a bunch of spares at home but it turns out I only had (2) so I'm OK. But I'd like to get a few more. Now I if Yamaha is like any other dealer those damn things probably cost $2.50 each (or more).

Last time I bought a set from Cycle Therapy for the ZX11 and it looks like a dozen came in the package and I only used 5 or 6, (I have since used more cause they strip pretty easy).

But I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay $10 for a dozen then another $10 to ship a dozen plastic screws when you can toss em in an envelope and put a 40 cent stamp on it.

So because I can be a tight ass about some things, does anyone have a better source for these unobtainium screws?

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All Right... So a few of us donated a screw so that someone could put their screen back on after they popped it off at EOM.
I *thought* I had a bunch of spares at home but it turns out I only had (2) so I'm OK. But I'd like to get a few more. Now I if Yamaha is like any other dealer those damn things probably cost $2.50 each (or more).

Last time I bought a set from Cycle Therapy for the ZX11 and it looks like a dozen came in the package and I only used 5 or 6, (I have since used more cause they strip pretty easy).

But I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay $10 for a dozen then another $10 to ship a dozen plastic screws when you can toss em in an envelope and put a 40 cent stamp on it.

So because I can be a tight ass about some things, does anyone have a better source for these unobtainium screws?
Yuppers, just like everythign else AHAMAY... drop Gary McCoy an email, he can't be beat...

gmccoy ~at~cableone~dot~net


So I don't bug Gary as well, tell me what ya find out. Hey Drew you are still short 2 screws and might have a screw thats loose as well :p

Soo.... Am I the only one that got tired of rounding off the philips heads on those stupid plastic screws and changed them to nice stainless steel screws with oversixed heads??? I know they are there to snap off in a collision but I really think that the extra leverage of the taller windshield is going to tear the little expanding rubber nuts thru the holes in the mount long before any other damage occurs. Or the edges of the windshield will snap off. I'll probably be sorry one day.....

No.. You got company, jestal.

I ditched those cheesy plastic bolts the first time I took the windshield off. As far as the SAFETY aspect of the plastic bolts shearing in a collision, I think it is far more likely they will fail at speed and you will have a hunk of Plexiglass smash into you at XXX mph.

No.. You got company, jestal.
I ditched those cheesy plastic bolts the first time I took the windshield off. As far as the SAFETY aspect of the plastic bolts shearing in a collision, I think it is far more likely they will fail at speed and you will have a hunk of Plexiglass smash into you at XXX mph.

The 11 originally had metal screws, the problem with it was they just tore up the nuts in the rubber mounts underneath.

I replaced them with the cheapo/plastic ones because that's what came when I ordered them.

They held up to oh, as fast as it would go, with the big Givi Screen B)

Seeing how easy the one popped off this weekend and how, the screen wasn't damaged and neither was the bike or rider, I think leaving plastic in there is a good idea.

FWIW, $0.85 each at my local dealer. No S&H. Of couse they're not in stock, so I have to go back to get them.

Unrelated, shop manual was $58. Cheaper than Yamaha's web site at $60 + $10 S&H.

I just took one of the wellnuts down to my local hardware store, and they had plenty of nylon screws. I think they were 25 cents each.


.25 cents is about right... .85 is too damn much even. Even with no shipping IMHO for a plastic screw. Everyone has to make money, I understand that but cmon.

