Windshield W Broke Again

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Well-known member
May 18, 2006
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Normal, IL
The plastic W on the front of the windshield; I have now broken my second one. I needed to remove the windshield so I was removing the two screws that holds the W on. The first one came out fine (right one). While removing the second one, I heard a "crack" and thought uh-oh! Yes just like the original one last year, the plastic tab broke right off.

Is anyone else having this problem? Am I tightening it too tight? I do put a little of the blue lock tight on it. Is this the problem? A replacement is $72!!! I can't keep replacing this thing every year! What gives?


I have taken mine off a couple of times with no problems. Do not use loctite myself, and only turn the screws in hand tight, I 'd say you are just unlucky or just a klutz.... :lol:


PM zorkler, he has one.

EDIT* oops, nevermind, your on a genII, his is from a genI

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Had mine off a couple of times with no problem.. I dont use lock tight. I wonder if the lock tight is getting on the plastic a reacting with it to make it brittle.

A replacement is $72!!!
Dude. Learn how to shop. That part is $42.13 at Zanotti Motors.

Sounds like you are being hamfisted. Don't hear a lot about peeps breaking those.
Agree SkooterG, the first replacement came from my local stealer and they only have one price....List! I don't normally buy from them, but I was getting some filters and decided to go ahead and get it from them at the $72 price. Never again will they get my hard earned dollars. This time, today actually, I ordered one from Ron Ayers and it was $53. Still steep to me for a piece of plastic, wish I had seen your post before I ordered. Oh well, next time!

Loctite can eat at some plastics if it touches them. Don't use it next time.
Bounce, I think you and Rondo are on to something. I did a trip down to the dragon not long after I got the bike. It's about 600 miles from my front door. I was cleaning the windshield after arriving and the W just about fell off. Both screws were nearly out. That's when I started putting a dab of loctite on the screws. It's either causing the plastic tab to weaken, or it's so tight that when I go to loosen the screws, it breaks the tab.

When I get the new one, I deficately won't be using loctite. I also clean my shield with Plexus. I know Arai says not to use it on their plastic parts because it hardens the plastic and causes it to get brittle. I wonder if that's what is happening here with the tabs. They are not very thick so they could be weakening over time with repeated spray from the Plexus. Don't know, I'm reaching.

No loctite for the new one and we'll see how it holds up. I'll also be careful about getting it too tight.

Thanks guys,


I broke one of the brackets. I'd put loctite on the screws when I changed the windshield.

Dealer replaced it under warranty thankfully - and I don't use loctite on those screws anymore.

Seems like a pretty flimsy design on the '08 for something that faces triple digit winds... but the piece is only decorative....

I have firsthand experience that Loctite 242 (the blue stuff) and plastic don't mix. The issue was a work related one using Loctite to hold stainless screws going through a polycarbonate (aka Lexan) housing. Over time the Lexan would develop noticeable cracks and eventually 'crumbling' of the plastic material adjacent to the screw.

I had a couple conversations with the Loctite technical applications rep and he told me basically that regular loctite doesn't play nice with most plastics. And then he went off to explain in great details about molecular attraction and long chain polymer configurations etc, so I probably missed some important details. We corrected the problem in some cases by eliminating the Loctite altogether and substituting RTV (siliicone caulk) and in others by switching to a Loctite product design for plastic applications. I believe that product is called Loctite 925 (check their website)

As far as the windshield screws, certainly avoid the loctite and don't eat your cheerios before tightening. They don't need to be very tight to hold that "W" on. I've had mine off and on several times now without trouble and only suffered a couple stripped out phllips recesses in the plastic screws. So I'm running a couple stainless steel button heads instead, which is a whole 'nuther discussion.

The problem is that those tinnerman nuts are pinched. And some are pinched tighter than others. The holes on both sides of my W bracket are now broken, but I'm still able to secure them. Maybe next time I won't be so lucky.

Had this happen on my 06AE. I obtained some 3M industrial plastic glue (small bright yellow bottle) from a friend, cut two new tabs from a piece of scrap black plastic of identical thickness, ground the breaks on the W flat and square, and glued simply on the new tabs. I then lined up the holes carefully, and drilled new ones in the tabs. They have been there now for two years, not a problem. Cost? A 500ml can of chilled Stella Artois for my friend, $3.00 in Canada.

The problem is that those tinnerman nuts are pinched. And some are pinched tighter than others. The holes on both sides of my W bracket are now broken, but I'm still able to secure them. Maybe next time I won't be so lucky.
Don't see how you can secure them with both broken. They must have broken completely off like mine. Right now I have one holding the W on and hasen't come off yet. I may put the new one aside for down the road and run this one until it breaks.
