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I am 6'5" and about 300 pounds. I have the Cal-Sci +5.5 (barn door) and I would not change it for the world. It may not look the best but it works great.

I've been like my Yamaha tall wind screen. The only problems I've had is that damn sticker was next to impossible to get off, and it's so wide that for some reason it hits the left side of the cowl when fully retracted. Other than that, it's great. Just speed tested it to 140 last night.

I've been like my Yamaha tall wind screen. The only problems I've had is that damn sticker was next to impossible to get off, and it's so wide that for some reason it hits the left side of the cowl when fully retracted. Other than that, it's great. Just speed tested it to 140 last night.
Is that all the faster yours will do ?

I've been like my Yamaha tall wind screen. The only problems I've had is that damn sticker was next to impossible to get off, and it's so wide that for some reason it hits the left side of the cowl when fully retracted. Other than that, it's great. Just speed tested it to 140 last night.
Is that all the faster yours will do ?
Were you still in 4th gear?

Spent several hours now reading through posts regarding windshields. I noticed a couple things: Everybody likes the "...personal preference..." response, a lot of the posts were about a year old, many folks didn't list their height, and many people did not list the year of their bike.
This leads me to my question...can I get some feedback from folks on what screens they like and why? I'm currently looking at the v-stream (mostly) or a rifle sport or a calsci medium. I don't want a barn door, I just want a quieter ride. Thanks for your help in advance, I really appreciate it!

Oh...and I have an '05...look I almost forgot what I was griping about other people leaving out!! Oops...

On the 05, I like a cut down stock shield in the summer, I currently put my c b 4+4 non flip in ice blue back on, because i got caught out in the rain a few weeks ago, forgot my rain gear, so the cut down shield offered little to no rain protection....

The V stream and the CB are about the same to me, more dirty air from the side with the V stream than the CB.

Back pressure is about the same for both the larger screens, but the V stream gets the node over the CB for back pressure....

buffeting, none with the cut down stock shield, none with either CB or V sream.

Quiet, I think the CB is getting the node over the V stream, just because, sometimes the crosswind noises are worse with it.

Hope this helps....

Find someone close that will let you try theirs, might save you the trouble..., plus buy some extra windshield screws when you get a replacement!!!!


Had a chance to do some riding last night with the SO on the back. We had perfect weather for testing the widscreen. We rode out to have dinner in a neighboring town. The way there was nice, fair temps. and still air. She said that she could feel the difference between the windshield being up or down. She had told me before that the stock screen didn't matter what height it was set at. On the way home we experienced bugs...lot's of bugs, none of which made it onto my helmet :yahoo: . Then it started to rain; I got a little comming down the face of the helmet but not bad. We both stayed dry minus the tops of our helmets. I did get a bit of high frequency turbulance in the helmet which shook it pretty bad so I think I'll try one of those stick on things.

CalSci medium: works fine, but poor fit and finish, rubs aginst the mirrors, and quite expensive ($200+). V-stream: high quality product with decent fit and finish. Takes some getting used to, but works very well. Also expensive ($200+).

Yamha touring: looks best with perfect fit and finsih. Works as good as the V-stream and much cheaper ($84 from UM).

I am 5'9" and 190lbs. 2006 model with Heli TC and risers.

My vote: Yamaha Touring 1st, V-stream a close 2nd and CalSci Medium a distant 3rd.


I have to agree with Lancaster but with one input variable, the Cee Baileys +4+2 with the flip.

I would put the CB barely in front of the V-stream and the rest in the order as Lancaster has it. The only thing I didn't really like about the CB was that if I had to look through the portion that is flipped up (torwards the top) it was optically distorted. It also had quite a bit of back pressure when in any position but all the way down. My V-stream worked okay but would buffet a great deal when passing trucks and like. The CalSci worked so so, but rather poor quality.

All have a few compromises but the best overall for me is the new Yamaha touring, cheapest too.

07' A, 72" tall, 32" inseam, 220#, Heli TC no risers but have a Corbin seat that is a little lower than stock.

Hope this helps, if there is anybody in the Salt Lake area that would like to test any of my windshield before purchase, PM me.

I've been like my Yamaha tall wind screen. The only problems I've had is that damn sticker was next to impossible to get off, and it's so wide that for some reason it hits the left side of the cowl when fully retracted. Other than that, it's great. Just speed tested it to 140 last night.
Hair dryer and a little WD-40 for the sticky residue, I also may of chipped a fingernail.

I can't stand all those GD placards.

I bought the Cal Sci medium and it was a good bit better than the stock shield. not really quiet, but better wind management overall. Still some buffeting and wind noise. I'm 5'10". When raising the shield it gets much better than the equivalent setting on the stocker.

For hot weather I got the Cee Bailey -3. Its more windy but in 100 degree weather I happily trade airflow and coolness for a bit of noise and buffeting.

Both shields have held up well.

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I am 6'2" with a 32" inseam and am riding an 05 FJ ABS model. I'm using the tall Rifle fairing (24" high at the midpoint of the shield) with the tuning block, but still get quite a bit of wind noise at the top of my helmet. I have to slouch uncomfortably to make it quiet. I think I need an additional 2" of protection to make it work. I'm considering the VStream, but would like to know its height. Also, as thick as the Vstream is, are there issues with it hammering the shield mounts?


V-stream with the skyway spacers, this is the best setup. when all the way down, great airflow on a hot day no buffiting, a little noise but not bad. Halfway up almost no noise less airflow, all the way up completely quiet almost like driving in your car. I'm 5'11" & ride with nolan n-com helmet.

I am 6'2" with a 32" inseam and am riding an 05 FJ ABS model. I'm using the tall Rifle fairing (24" high at the midpoint of the shield) with the tuning block, but still get quite a bit of wind noise at the top of my helmet. I have to slouch uncomfortably to make it quiet. I think I need an additional 2" of protection to make it work. I'm considering the VStream, but would like to know its height. Also, as thick as the Vstream is, are there issues with it hammering the shield mounts?
I just picked up a V Stream to try (thanks Scab!) and a simple seat of the pants evaluation is that it is much better than my Rifle. I will have to do a "back to back" test of the two in one day, but the V Stream is definitely quieter. As far as the thickness, it does not appear to be any thicker than my Rifle Sport and actually does less flopping and shaking going down the road.

Geez, seems like folks are all over the place on this. I have an '07, stock seat in high position, Gen-Mar risers, am 6' tall. Had a V-Stream on my R1200RT and liked it. Just put a V-Stream on my FJR and am not real impressed. Better around town, but on the highway at 75+ the buffeting is pretty bad unless I scrunch down when it is about 3/4 the way up. All the way up is OK, but the back pressure is pretty bad - worse than stock. I'm thinking about going back to stock, but want more coverage with cooler/wetter weather coming on. Not sure what to try next. I hate this trial and error crap.

Anyone interested in my V-stream for $140 shipped?


- Scott

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Geez, seems like folks are all over the place on this. I have an '07, stock seat in high position, Gen-Mar risers, am 6' tall. Had a V-Stream on my R1200RT and liked it. Just put a V-Stream on my FJR and am not real impressed. Better around town, but on the highway at 75+ the buffeting is pretty bad unless I scrunch down when it is about 3/4 the way up. All the way up is OK, but the back pressure is pretty bad - worse than stock. I'm thinking about going back to stock, but want more coverage with cooler/wetter weather coming on. Not sure what to try next. I hate this trial and error crap.
Anyone interested in my V-stream for $140 shipped?


- Scott
There was significant difference in Gen I V-Stream vs. Gen II. I was much more impressed with the V-Stream on the Gen I bikes.
