WTF is this?

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formerly Renegade, get used to it.
Jul 6, 2006
Reaction score
Trenton, OH

Whilst reinstalling both wheels two weeks ago I found this laying next to the motorcycle.

Thought, hrms, that rubber things looks like a cover for something, but I'll be damned if I can figure out where it goes. It might not even go on the FJR, if it doesn't then that leads to the question who the F*ck was in my barn?

Anyone know if this belongs on my 06 somewhere?




Looks vaguely like the cover for the hole-in-the-frame for servicing the cam chain on the Gen1's. They are silver/grey in color though.

In other words, I don't know, but it looks like it belongs. You know, which one of these things....

Silly boy.

That's a cover that goes over a hole on the inside of the swingarm. Right side.

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Silly boy.
That's a cover that goes over a hole on the inside of the swingarm. Right side.

Excellent... I'll go take another look....

Yes slappy it's similar to the grey cover I have on the side of my bike too, only about 6x bigger, (It's about 3.5 inches by 1 inch).

Thanks, SkooterG

Silly boy.
That's a cover that goes over a hole on the inside of the swingarm. Right side.
Oh sure...don't give him the "oh my God don't ride the bike!!!" business like I got last Fall wit a similar post. :p

I was WELL prepared for that type of anser ;)

Oh sure...don't give him the "oh my God don't ride the bike!!!" business like I got last Fall wit a similar post. :p
Sorry. I am a bit sick today and just not feeling quite like myself. Perhaps the meds are dulling my typical razor sharp wit and charm.

Hopefully, I will be feeling better soon enough and be back to my typical asshole self. I know I sure miss him.


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You'll always be that sweet little a$$h0le in my mind....

Oh, wait, people could take that the wrong way, so allow me to expand with one KEY point. I am straight...!!

You'll always be that sweet little a$$h0le in my mind....

Oh, wait, people could take that the wrong way, so allow me to expand with one KEY point. I am straight...!!

As a friend of mine once said, "Your not gay if your on top."

:unsure: Okay, if I remember correctly that is the hole cover of the adjuster for a drum brake, or an asshat seal.

:unsure: Okay, if I remember correctly that is the hole cover of the adjuster for a drum brake, or an asshat seal.
