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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
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Are those of you that have the XM radio included in the Garmin GPS (376,2730, etc) satisfied with the setup or would you rather have a seperate Roady or other similiar device? TIA Ian, Iowa

Are those of you that have the XM radio included in the Garmin GPS (376,2730, etc) satisfied with the setup or would you rather have a seperate Roady or other similiar device? TIA Ian, Iowa

Someone told me at the WFO that they wished it also came with a cell phone.

I have been very happy with my 2730. Love that it has XM and Mp3 all in one unit with the GPS. Less mounting issues, and running all through one interface is very convienant.

I could not be happier with my 2730. The integration with my Starcom is great and having the volume control on the screen is icing on the cake.

Having the 2730 with the XM is great, and is certainly convenient. Simple to install and to power.

I have a Starcomm Advance - with just three leads into it - Garmin, CellPhone and Radar. The Garmin handles the priority muting of the voice over the music. (Thanks, Jeff!)

The only downside I can think of is that if you for some reason, lose the Garmin (hard failure), you've lost your XM.

But then, if you lose the Garmin, you've got other problems, eh? :huh:

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Don't do this very often, but I give the cheesy +1 and +2 to Skooter and Sportbikeeffects. The 2730 has been very good at combining the features.

with the 2730, can you download music?


i did not phrase that well. can you download a song that's playing on xm?

ya, that's what i mean.


Love the 2730 and its one less item you have to find a spot for. And less wires. We alll seem to have plentyof wiring already.

The only downside I can think of is that if you for some reason, lose the Garmin (hard failure), you've lost your XM. But then, if you lose the Garmin, you've got other problems, eh? :huh:
You ain't kiddin! I found out the 2730 is NOT as waterproof as I would like.

I left my 2730 mounted on my un-covered FJR while it sat for 3 days in the parking lot at the IBA Nat'l meet in Denver. Well, it did some major raining in those three days. When it was time to head home on Sunday morning, it was not raining. But my 2730 was NOT working. It would turn on, but the touch screen was fubar'd. I could see some condensation on the inside of the screen. Major bummer. No GPS (couldn't believe how much I had come to depend on it), no Xm, no Mp3. No aussie Jane to warm my heart!

Well slowly it started to come back, I guess as it started to dry out. It took about 3 hours, but it was working again. I had to re-calibrate the touch screen. It doesn't seem to be back 100% like before, but at least it's fully functional again.

So, my recommendation is to dis-mount it in the rain when possible. Interestingly enough, I have had no problems with the GPS while riding in the rain, and I will continue to do that. Appartently, it doesn't like sitting in a super-soaker rainstorm however.

For my .02. . . I have the Starcom from Bike Effects(still installing) and I have the Garmin 2820. Still installing all the components on the bike but it should work like a charm. Everything in one is going to be great! Really don’t need to Bluetooth on the bike, but it works well in the car. XM is great and the MP3 is great!
