With the original factory seats, I could ride for about 90 minutes and then had to get off the bike... and then I'd have to take a break about every hour thereafter. Not conducive to riding any distance in a day, and a safety factor (thinking about how much your butt hurts detracts from focusing on riding the bike).
I bought a second-hand Sargent seat, at a significant discount from retail, in the hopes that I could spend less and get my problem solved. It is more comfortable than the factory seat for longer rides, because it is wider. IMO the problem with the factory seat is that its narrow width focuses the rider's weight on a very narrow part of the posterior. In my case it was the hip joints/sockets. However, the Sargent seat is not at all padded, and comfort will depend on how padded one's clothing is. The width also made it harder for me to reach the ground (30" inseam). In short, for me it wasn't better enough to preclude getting a custom seat. Oh, well...
I looked at the factory gel seat, and for the price I couldn't see doing it. The gel seat lists for $300; my Rick Mayer custom seat was under $350 (nylon basket-weave material, pillion seat recovered to match and widened, slightly 'concaved' to hold a passenger and allow for carrying a soft bag strapped down). The seat looks like a million bucks (it really is quite attractive), feels like a padded office chair, and now I can ride until I need to refuel (a full tank of gas... ~240 miles). I can't see how anyone would want to save less than $50 when they could get their problem solved once and for all. The reason I chimed into this thread is to hopefully prevent someone else from making my mistake... 'the thrifty man spends the most.'
I'm not saying a Rick Mayer seat is the only choice; I think there are many good custom seat makers and certainly the Mayer brothers, or the Russell (the original 'Mayer' seat), are up there in terms of best options. What I am saying is, spend just a little more, once, and be happy.