Yamaha Tank Bag Rain Cover - ripped apart

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Jun 14, 2005
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I've got one of the big ass Yamaha Tank BagsTM...and I evidently was abusing the clear plastic portion of the rain cover when I would fold it up and put it in the tank bag. :nono: It looks like I fatigued the clear plastic material by doing that...and maybe it also got a little more brittle with sunlight...I don't know.

The upshot is that when I arrived in Athens, OH last weekend for the ramble I noticed a little (1 inch) tear in the cover emanating from one of the bend locations. I knew this was not good as rain was expected on the way home. On the way home the little tear got larger and a second tear started...then north of Indy we came through a storm front with 30+ mph gust that totally ripped the plastic to shreds out to the seams and pieces fell off as I went. :headbonk:

I am now in possession of a rain cover where the sides are still sound...but the clear map viewing plastic is gone.

What are my alternatives for rain protection?

I am not above jerry rigging for the short term...but is there a long term solution or am I screwed for rain protection for this bag? :search:

There are other bags out there that are close in size - maybe the Pac-safe bag is close enough. And the Bagsters have seperate covers available I believe.

Just find a model close enough.

Check with your local shoe repair guy, he may be able to stitch some new plastic in there.

Go and visit the local boat-top maker. They use soft clear vinyl for the side windows.

My 2€

tape the map to the inside of your face shield. i've found it much safer than having to look down at your tankbag.



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tape the map to the inside of your face shield. i've found it much safer than having to look down at your tankbag.

Great idea,

unless your farsighted :blink:

Good call on the boat top builder. They should have a scrap piece of clear vinyl and may only charge for machine time.

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