YES transfer confirmation from Yamaha

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Jul 29, 2006
Reaction score
Has anyone transferred a YES contact on a used FJR and received a confirmation from Yamaha?

I bought an '06 FJR last summer including a 4 yr YES. I went to my local dealer to ask them to "transfer" the YES contract. They said they did and assured me that it's "in the computer" with me as the new owner. It just bugs me that I've received no acknowledgement from Yama that I actually own this contract now. The dealer says "sometimes they don't send anything". I'm not happy with this.

Any other experiences?



Has anyone transferred a YES contact on a used FJR and received a confirmation from Yamaha?
I bought an '06 FJR last summer including a 4 yr YES. I went to my local dealer to ask them to "transfer" the YES contract. They said they did and assured me that it's "in the computer" with me as the new owner. It just bugs me that I've received no acknowledgement from Yama that I actually own this contract now. The dealer says "sometimes they don't send anything". I'm not happy with this.

Any other experiences?


I have a card even though I am the second owner. I would call Yamaha YES Administration and talk with them quickly. You can reach them at (866) 937-3983.

Same situation here. Bought a barely used '06A with 4-year YES, had recent Yamaha dealer service done, watched the service manager input the info, but no confirmation yet (1 month gone by). I'll call the toll-free # and report on progress...

Call the 800-number w/ your vin number and they'll check it for you. I bought my YES when I got my bike (at the 12th month) and they sent me some paperwork. The first set they sent only had a 2 year and I found out the dealer sent it wrong. So, I would make sure of that when you call them also.


Just called Yamaha and spoke with an extended warranty rep. Everything's cool. My name, adress, etc. all show up on their system, matching the bike's VIN. He said no additional paperwork will be sent. (Luckily I do have the original owner's warranty coverage sheet.) Bike's VIN is all a dealer needs to honor warranty claims. Thanks for your help with this!
