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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
Pulled off one of the Hayabusa boards..... :glare:

Does anyone have any experience with Shinko tires? How do they wear? Did they help with launches at the track? How are they on the street? My 08 is coming due for a tire soon and I was considering the Shinko. My bike is street ridden but will get raced once the weather breaks. It is lowered and stretched 7", I am looking for all the traction I can get.
It's not even the concept of putting chinese-shit tires on a K8 that bothers me (per say), rather, it's the last couple sentences... the guy claims he's "looking for all the traction he can get", yet he has also lowered and stretched his Busa a heinous 7". So.... how's that traction going to be when he strikes a deep pothole or speed bump, or whatever, and a hard point touches down, the bike gets leveraged off the wheels? :rolleyes:

Oh, well...... it's not worth the calories to try to talk reason with some of these kids. They only see the dollar savings, and aren't even thinking of the consequences of mounting POS tires on a bike like the K8.

Oh-fucking-well..... :glare:

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hehe, try this for a size. I get at least one or two ever year that show up for a MSF class on none other then BUSA as their first bike. There is a word for these people.....oh yeah. body part harvesters.

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Well the sad truth is most people are only interested in doing one thing with a Busa and thats drag race it. They could give a damn if the thing is great bike, they just want to whack that throttle and launch themselves down the road as fast as possible.

Oh, and if he's looking for great traction, why don't you just tell him to throw a car tire on it? :crazy: :devilsmiley:

I don't understand why somebody spends the money on an expensive bike but cheaps out on the tires. :huh:

I don't understand why somebody spends the money on an expensive bike but cheaps out on the tires. :huh:
Particularly THAT bike....... if there was a machine that really should demand the best rubber, it would be this 170+ HP beast. :blink:

OTOH.... stretched and slammed like it is, it undoubtedly rides like a whale barge now anyway, so maybe the chinese crap wouldn't really be so bad for him. :glare:

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I don't understand why somebody spends the money on an expensive bike but cheaps out on the tires. :huh:

Because once they spent all their money on those shiny parts they have nothing left for gear or tires. I stop by at the local sport bike hang out sometimes and see so many bikes on bold tires and some even showing cords that it is amazing.

You know it reminds me of a conversation I overheard while I was in high school. This girl was getting custom rims installed on her car, and was asking some of the guys in class about what she should get. They told her to spend the money on certain things (I don't remember what) and to make sure she got a certain brand even though it was more expensive than others because it was worth it. She then asked what kind of tires she should get. They all agreed she should just get the cheapest tires they have that'll fit the rims. I was dumbfounded by their comment, but it goes to show that all most kids ever care about is looking cool.

Hell, one of my coworkers was asking my what kind of tires to get for his R6. I mentioned a few types like Pilot Sport II's, Pirelli Corsar III's and a few others. His next question was "Which ones have the most badass tread pattern?" :huh: I pretty much gave up giving him advice at that point.

I don't understand why somebody spends the money on an expensive bike but cheaps out on the tires. :huh:
I think it's because they need so damn MANY of them!!! Burnouts, wheelspin launches, tail slides, brake skids, all that squidly stuff.

Like the high school hot rodders that buy the cheapest rubber they can find so they can "lay rubber" whenever they want. No interest in traction, they just want cheap smoke.

i can't remember how many sets of take-off slicks I sold from my RS-250 to guys with CBR 600 F3 & F4 when I was road racing. If it had balled up rubber on the edge, they would pay more because it would "look cool" on their bike at the sport bike hang out. Sure made my new sets Dunlops very cheap though. :lol: ($50 to $100 a set went a long ways when your tire sponsor was just a discount from retail) And everyone of them "posers" would ask how can you wear a tire all the way to the edge?

I always told them there is no way you are going to get enough heat in that tire to make it safe or useful on the street, it is for track only.

Pulled off one of the Hayabusa boards..... :glare:

Does anyone have any experience with Shinko tires? How do they wear? Did they help with launches at the track? How are they on the street? My 08 is coming due for a tire soon and I was considering the Shinko. My bike is street ridden but will get raced once the weather breaks. It is lowered and stretched 7", I am looking for all the traction I can get.
Oh-fucking-well..... :glare:
Dale, I think you'll come around and appreciate it when ya see that he puts on the ones that are green or yellow-colored!


I see the 'rubber to cover the round things' disease every day working in a dealership. We sell a sh**pot load of Shinkos simple because they are cheap....Looking good is MUCH more important than function.

What really scares me is the number of people (not just the youngsters) who pull in for an oil change on 'slicks' that used to be street tires. Very little, if any, tread showing. Not just sport bikes, the cruiser crowd does the same thing.

Warchild - Many Busa riders are unique... Like the guy that passed me on the freeway on the way home from a track day. I'm in my pickup with the Duc in the back, he's in typical SoCal garb, T-shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes, of course his AGATT is a helmet. :dribble:

He pulls along side me at about 65mph, then lifts the front end in the air and races off. :assassin:

I'm not sure what it all meant but boy, was I impressed. :blink:

These types unfortunately will be a statistic at some point.

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What's with all the bashing of Shinkos going on here?

Can I get a show of hands from the people that have actually TRIED them and can confirm they are indeed "shit"?

You know, there was a time where we once laughed at the Japs for their "crappy" bikes and now look...

"Don't knock it till you try it" is all I'm saying.

What's with all the bashing of Shinkos going on here?
Can I get a show of hands from the people that have actually TRIED them and can confirm they are indeed "shit"?

You know, there was a time where we once laughed at the Japs for their "crappy" bikes and now look...

"Don't knock it till you try it" is all I'm saying.
Shinko comments from the resident tire shredder: Shinko comments

There are more: Shinko comment search

So, general consensus says they're a "meh" tire.

"Mediocre" maybe, but not "shit".

"Shit" is Kenda.

"Shit" is Cheng Shin.

Maybe "Shinko" translates to "shit" in Engrish??

Sounds like they're better than the Slipstones, however......not that that's saying much.

I'm still a bit curious though even after that info crunch.

Regardless, I'll keep putting the Stradas on my bikes. At least I know where Pirelli stands in the quality dept.

Thanks for sharing those links, Scab.

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When I was actively go-kart racing and had a little "racing business" on the side, the Maxxis go-kart tires that I ordered were made by Cheng Shin. From what I gleaned then, Cheng Shin makes a lot of different brand tires.

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Cheng Shin = Maxxis?

That explains why I fricken despised the Maxxis tires I ran once.

I can hardly wait to see the footage of said track run on YouGoob, erm...YouTube

