Yosemite Ride Photos

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Active member
Jun 11, 2005
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Clovis, CA
I had only planned to do a portion of the ride through Yosemite to Mammoth so here are my few pictures. The day was cool but the 16 bikes didn't encounter very many motorhomes in route to there destination. I'll let those that finished the ride describe all the stops along the way.

The morning meeting was at the Sky Ranch Motel


The next stop was the Ahwahnee Hotel on the valley floor of Yosemite Park


I was in no hurry so I ended up at the back acting as the group sweeper and as we weren't moving too fast I was able to extract the camera from the tank bag and take this shot on Highway 120 east of Crane Flat.



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It was a lot of fun to see all the bikes snaking up to Yosemite! Perhaps we should put this thread in "Ride Reports" ?

It was a good time this weekend meet a lot of new friends and had a great ride home! We went 395, 89, 88, Iron mountain rd. to 50 a few vehicles to deal with but not bad at all.


It was a good time this weekend meet a lot of new friends and had a great ride home! We went 395, 89, 88, Iron mountain rd. to 50 a few vehicles to deal with but not bad at all.
That was a great ride home with 04FJR, CISCO and rocknfjr. A great combination of very fast sweepers, technical tights and everything in between...not to mention rocketing past a group of 4 Harleys that didn't think they should be in the right passing lane...we let them know otherwise, but by the time they figured it out it was too late.

I broke in a new set of Avons and I have to say I'm not overly pleased with the front tire. There is a range of lean angle that generates a wobbly feel. more so at slower speeds. Therefore the tecnical stuff can be a little strange because the front tire feels like it's falling over its own tread.

This was our first group ride with people that we met from this forum. It made me wish for more time and the next set of rides. I think this was true for many as I was involved in discussions regarding a coastal ride (Alice's to see the '06 intro), and a Santa Barbara, socal ride.

I didn't get to talk to everyone...Bob73...was nice to see you and hello...hope you had fun too!

Anyway...pics to come...just getting them downloaded.

Nice to meet EVERYONE! The ride was great, views were spectactular! Hope to see you all again. Heres some pics....

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Just checking in, home safe, film at eleven. Big thanks to all who were part of this experience! We had a great time, mostly...

I had a great time as well! It was good to meet some of the forum folks here. Not a bad apple in the bunch as far as I could tell. Cudos for Highlanders for setting up this ride. Looking forward to doing another.

For those who'd like names of the people in the pictures:

!st photo (@ Sierra Sky Ranch):

TWN (back to camera), Cisco, Gary and unknown helmeted rider

2nd photo (@ the famous Ahwahanee Hotel), L-R:

Highlander- Dave & Di

Toecutter- Bob & Brenda

04fjr- Alan & Graciela

Bike Effects-Jeff (in the leather jacket)

Cisco- Zach and Donna


Bluestreek (in the bluejacket-his wife, Cyndi is over his left shoulder)

MCML-(pre "adventure") and his friend Linda

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Thanks for adding some names for my pictures. Later middle age is setting in and names have never been my strong suit.

madmike2.... and unknown helmeted rider
That would be Andrew (OrangevaleFJR) on his way to find some fuel. They said they got in late and all the stations were closed.

TWN got back fine @ 19:30 hours after splitting with Rogue and MCML at Santa Clarita. However, this morning I found myself quite dehydrated. Though I had morning coffee, soda at lunch, and two bottles of Gatorade throughout the day and my evening tottie, I failed to remember to water down. All that exhilarating riding over Sherman's Pass (dry thin air?) took more out of me than I thought. Lesson learned. Water, water and more water!

I'll post up some pix when I'm feeling a bit better...

Hey TWN,

Glad you made it home................... It was really good to see you DO ride sometimes and don't spend all your time here! :p :bleh: :p :p :bleh: :p

However, this morning I found myself quite dehydrated. Though I had morning coffee, soda at lunch, and two bottles of Gatorade throughout the day and my evening tottie, I failed to remember to water down. All that exhilarating riding over Sherman's Pass (dry thin air?) took more out of me than I thought. Lesson learned. Water, water and more water!
I thought it was Jack, Jack, and more Jack! ;) That stuff doesn't exactly hydrate, ya know?

However, this morning I found myself quite dehydrated. Though I had morning coffee, soda at lunch, and two bottles of Gatorade throughout the day and my evening tottie, I failed to remember to water down. All that exhilarating riding over Sherman's Pass (dry thin air?) took more out of me than I thought. Lesson learned. Water, water and more water!
I thought it was Jack, Jack, and more Jack! ;) That stuff doesn't exactly hydrate, ya know?
Er, and they were doubles, too! And I only had three (or was it four?). :rolleyes: Funny thing is that it never bothered me before... Oh, well. Getting older, must slow down.

Oh, well. Getting older, must slow down
I thought you said you GOT RID of a Harley.

Though I had morning coffee
That would only make it worse, but you probably knew that already. The Gatorade was the ONLY help you got yesterday, unless there's some water I didn't hear about. And the ice cubes don't count unless you eat 'em.

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