you wretched New York sinners! (u know who u are)

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2006
Reaction score
Elko, NV


That's Jim & Iris!

They trailered their bikes to the west so they could enjoy the riding more, without the tedium of the cross-country slabbing. Don't worry, they'll still be racking up some serious miles.

PS, they're AKA herfjr and ZOOMM

Well, if you're going to have a trailer, that's a pretty sharp looking one...

Beerme, how fast were they going? :D

Yup, looks like Jim & Iris's bikes. Being the serious riders that they are, I bet they plan on racking up serious mileage.

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how fast were they going? :D
Not fast at all. I saw them going east, just coming into town. It took a minute for me to get turned around & caught up. Meanwhile, I quickly scratched out another one of my trademark signs that said, "FJRs on a trailer? Shameful!" I pulled up alongside the pickup, rolled down the window, & held up the sign. I could see Jim's lips move as he read the sign, same with Iris as she leaned over to see what the commotion was about. They both said "Shameful" at the same time & started laughing. Then they exited right away & I lost 'em after that. Was hoping to track 'em down & shoot the shiite a little bit, but got a call & had to split. Fun times.

Beerme.....your sign was sooo funny. We thought we were in trouble when you pulled up along side of us in your on duty vehicle. We were pleasantly surprised with your humor. We pulled off at that exit to get some Starbucks coffee. We both were hoping that you would follow too. It would have been nice to chat with you.

We were heading home (to New York) from our 10 day (3,100 miles) frolic up thru Nevada, Northern Cal, Oregon and Washington.

We had beautiful sunshine everyday.

We will do a ride report with plenty of spectacular pics sometime soon.

Iris couldn't get her camera out quick enough to take your picture holding the sign. It was a good laugh though.

Sorry we didn't get to meet you.


Same here! I went to the next median crossing but by the time I got to the opposite off-ramp, I got stuck behind a couple of slow trucks... long story. I scouted out the gas stations & fast food joints in the area, hoping to find your rig, but no luck. Then I had to go east on a road rage complaint, so it was back to bidness. Next time. It was good to meetcha tho, such as it was.

Hey Zoommm....

Rose and I live in Guilderland. When you folks get home and situated, maybe we can meet up for some rides. Let us know...


Looks like their rear tires are seriously squared off. You folks work on knocking those edges off for them. m'kay?
Actually, the driveway where we loaded the bike was dirt and the dust does give it a look of being square, but I assure you, we used the full radius. It's hard not to use the full radius when you're on roads like Rt. 1 in Northern California, Rt. 4 and 89 in Nevada, the road to Mt. St. Helens in Washington just to name a few. What a great trip. :yahoo:

I wonder what tire pressure they were using in the trailor wheels.
44 PSI.
